The 10 most dangerous animals in the world: I’m sure the last one won’t surprise you.

Today we will talk about the most dangerous animals of the world. There are species that can be very harmful. Some can kill directly through force or some kind of poison. Others are capable of aggravating pre-existing ailments. But in the vast majority of cases, attacks on humans occur because the animal feels intimidated.

Most dangerous animals: Elephants

Both the elephants with large ears, which can be seen in every African documentary, and the Asian ones with smaller ears, are enormous creatures that usually live peacefully in their own territory. Humans have domesticated them for labor, for entertainment in circuses, or as pets. But when the instinct for freedom is awakened, the attack is served. They kill 500 to 600 people a year.Most dangerous animals

Most dangerous animals: Crocodiles

All over the world, crocodiles pose a threat to unwary humans who enter their territory. They swim underwater in swamps and mangroves, sneak up and attack quickly. Once they get the bite, they won’t let go until they can swallow it. They are responsible for between 1000 and 2500 deaths annually and are therefore listed as most dangerous animals of the world.Most dangerous animals


Most dangerous animals: hippos

It is considered the most dangerous of the herbivorous mammals that live in Africa in the wild or in protected parks or zoos around the world. Extremely territorial, at the slightest sign that it feels threatened it attacks, running at high speed and defending its privacy with its huge and dangerous canines. The hippopotamus causes approximately 3,000 deaths annually.Most dangerous animals

Most dangerous animals: scorpions

In the nature There are many species of scorpions with varying degrees of venom. Depending on whether the antidote exists and is available, the degree of toxicity of the poison, whether it reaches the bloodstream of the affected person or suffers from diseases such as allergies or asthma. These arthropod relatives of spiders cause approximately 5,000 deaths annually.Most dangerous animals

Most dangerous animals: Vinchuca (Triatoma infestans)

It is a hemipteran (blood-sucking) insect with nocturnal habits that lives in South America. And it is the transmission vector of a named parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. This is the cause of Chagas disease. A very serious condition that kills 12,000 people every year. Because not all most dangerous animals of the world, are large and easily recognizable.Most dangerous animals

Most dangerous animals: Dogs

Although he dog Household is often considered man’s best friend, but it is also indirectly responsible for the deaths of more than 60,000 people around the world each year. It is one of the vectors of rabies, a virus that is transmitted to the victim through the saliva of the infected animal when it bites. And if not treated in time, it can cause hydrophobia (fear of water), aerophobia (fear of air) and death due to cardiac and respiratory arrest.Most dangerous animals

Most dangerous animals: Tsetse fly

Commonly known as ‘sleeper flies’, they actually do nothing other than transmit through their bite a parasitic protozoan called Trypanosoma brucei (in its two subspecies, the Gambian and the Rhodesian). It causes a disease called tripanosomiasis africana which affects 500,000 people every year. Of which 80% eventually die. There is also a special kind of fly that bites livestock and causes death think (same disease but adapted to animals).Most dangerous animals

Most dangerous animals: Snakes

There are a wide variety of snakes or snakes that have different types of venom. They usually do not attack unless intimidated. But many species can kill several people with the inoculation of a single dose of venom, as is the case with the black mamba or sea and Taipan snakes.

Every year, 50,000 to 100,000 people die from their bites. Because there are no known antidotes for some poisons. In addition to being one of the most dangerous animals in the world they also belong to the 10 animals that cause phobias.Most dangerous animals

Most dangerous animals: mosquitoes

They live anywhere in the world where there is standing water and that is where their larvae develop. And of the different species of mosquitoes that exist, only those from the Culicidae family are dangerous. Because females need to suck blood to continue their life cycle.

When they bite their victims, they inject poison or saliva and in this way they inoculate a large number of diseases that actually affect humans. Variety anopheles is a transmitter of plasmodium that causes malaria. And the temples of the Egyptians (the condition aedes comes from Greek and means “hateful”) spreads yellow fever, Dengue and Chicunguya. Between 600,000 and a million people die every year from the diseases they spread.Most dangerous animals

Most dangerous animals: humans

But first and foremost, the animal that takes the crown as the murderer of men is, without a doubt, man himself (A wise man). He doesn’t kill his fellow human beings just for money, power, envy, anger and a hundred other excuses. If not, he will destroy the planet he and the rest of his fellow humans live on. And while he is the only rational being, he is also the most hypocritical and destructive. So it is the worst among the Most dangerous animals of the world.

Most dangerous animals