The animals of the world hate these 5 human actions

Loose hate animals of the world many of the actions of men. In fact, until recently, many of them weren’t even considered forms of animal cruelty. Based on the fact that animal abuse It is any act or omission that causes suffering to an animal; these are the things which, if they were capable of hating them, they would abhor in their human neighbors.

The animals of the world hate deforestation

For purely selfish reasons, thousands of kilometers of forests, jungles, mountains, etc. are cut down every year. As a result, millions of animals lose their habitat and the ecological balance of these places is seriously threatened. In their desire to change land for their own benefit, people sacrifice the well-being and future of the world biodiversity local.

The world’s animals abhor the trade in species

Whether it concerns legal or illegal trade, animals do not like it at all when someone comes and takes them from their natural habitat. They would like to live in their place of origin, without our activities disrupting their existence.


But unfortunately that is not the case. Many end up in zoos, dolphinariums, as pets, in laboratories or are sacrificed for their skin, as a result of disastrous traditions or all kinds of tricks. And for every animal that survives the trade, many more die. Whether they are killed to take away their young, due to lack of adaptation, due to transport conditions and much more.Hating the animals of the world

The animals of the world hate our waste

Humans produce large amounts of waste and subsequently cannot deal with it properly. The result is that the world’s seas and oceans are seeping waste. Entire islands have been formed plastics and other waste, resulting from people’s negligence. And this waste can be toxic and even fatal to many species.

The animals of the world hate hunting

Hunting to survive is one of the principles of the animal world. Carnivores have to kill a certain amount of prey, but they always do so in a sustainable way. They hunt for exactly the amount needed to survive. Therefore, killing people for fun is something that hate animals of the world.

The animals of the world hate pollution

Human activities are very polluting, something that hate animals of the world. Because their habitats are polluted with all kinds of chemicals (gases, liquids and solids), which affect their water, the air they breathe and the soil. And they cause deformities, pain, reproductive problems and even death.