The Asian superpower has set its sights on this Spanish region: they will produce 100% renewable fuel for the whole of Europe

Europe becomes the queen of fuel renewable. An Asian superpower has set its sights on a Spanish region to create something big. Pollution and climate change are raising alarms in several countries.

It is clear that the world needs solutions to fight pollution and find a more sustainable way of life. That’s why companies around the world are trying to collaborate with each other to develop projects that respond to the needs of the sector.

There is an Asian country that has seen its potential Spain and he is prepared to exploit it to the fullest. Still can’t guess which one it is?


Japan see a a Andalusia to work together on green hydrogen by signing a Memorandum of Understanding. It should be noted that the Japanese country was the first to establish a national strategy on hydrogen.

The document is signed by the official trade and economic promotion agency that depends on the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, JETROand the Andalusian hydrogen cluster. The context that frames it is a commercial mission organized by the Government of Japanthat works hand in hand with the Junta of Andalusia.

A satisfying part of the cooperation will be the exchange of knowledge between both countries in terms of experiences, technology and practices.

A sustainable fuel has arrived in Europe to stay

The choice of Andalusia It capitalizes on a strategic location between three continents, with a solid port infrastructure. A new scenario is proposed for the south Spain offer to the rest of Europe j Japan new opportunities in the industrial sector, reducing energy dependence and increasing autonomy.

A meeting took place, held in the Marie Curie Techno-incubator of the PCT Cartujain which Andalusian and Japanese companies had the opportunity to establish commercial ties and explore possible future collaborations on issues related to green hydrogen.

Andalusia It positions itself as a global reference for this resource. As we mentioned earlier, Japan was the first country to publish its national hydrogen strategy in 2017. However, in 2023 the plan was updated and a new goal was set for 2040: producing 12 million tons of green hydrogen per year.

Completely dedicated to his goal, the country of Asia Oriental aims to increase green hydrogen production with electrolyzers and strengthen international ties. The focus is mainly on production and delivery technologies.

Europe is on everyone’s lips for the arrival of this renewable fuel

The mission program of this alliance includes the visit of the Japanese delegation I National Green Hydrogen Congress that will take place between today (7 February) and next February 9 Huelva.

For this appointment the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining You have a display stand and Andalusia TRADE has organized a trade mission for companies and entities related to hydrogen from 12 countries to participate: United States, Brazil, Chile, Australia, India, South Korea, Germany, Poland, Finland, Italy, Portugal j Morocco.

Why is everyone talking about renewable fuel coming to Europe?

Green hydrogen is gaining popularity as an alternative to reduce emissions and care for our planet. This fuel renewable that comes Europe It is universal, light and very reactive. It is achieved through a chemical process known as electrolysis.

It uses electric current to separate hydrogen from oxygen in water. If electricity is obtained from renewable sources, energy production takes place without releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Hydrogen is reaching unimagined limits, so much so that it has already reached cars and promises to continue making progress in other sectors.