The relationship between people and animals has always been the subject of philosophical and spiritual reflection. In the book “Gospel Esseno van Dieren”The philosopher Olivier Manitara investigates this connection and offers a vision that intertwines ethical, spirituality and responsibility. The author invites a renewed respect for the animal kingdom and the environment
Olivier Manitara and the message of “Gospel Esseno van Dieren”
Olivier Manitara It is one of the most relevant figures in the panorama of contemporary spirituality. Philosopher, writer and teacher, he devoted his existence to the rediscovery and distribution of old knowledge, rooted in the mystical communities of the middle East. Although it remains on the edge of official history, this heritage retains an exceptionally current value.
In the book “Gospel Esseno van Dieren”Manitara destroys anthropocentric conception (which places people in the center of the universe) and invites humanity to overcome the illusion of his superiority about other forms of life.
According to his vision, animals are not without consciousness or banned to a secondary role in the design of creation, but they have an essential function in the terrestrial ecosystem and in the universe energy balance.
The author therefore emphasizes that the wells of humanity is inextricably linked to that of the animal world: any abuse or abuse that is committed to them influences himself as a boomerang on the existential state of man.
Reads the book:
«L‘Man is the air of animals. This is how the fate of animals depends on him. The responsibility of‘man is to breed, to the animals to the‘High, according to thought, to what is spiritual, towards the angelic world.
Animals are the organs of‘Man and are the virtues that match them.
They form l‘Together from the body of‘man. If he does not respect the animals and lets them suffer, he does not respect himself and lets himself suffer. If there is‘Man protects animals, he will feel better in his feelings, in his heart and his family. Destroying animals means destroying all the part of what is beautiful and noble in nature. If there were no more stones, plants and animals on earth, the manifestation of God could no longer exist ».
At the moment we are trying to understand who the Essenes were.
Who were the Essenes and what was their relationship with animals?
To understand the meaning of completely “Gospel Esseno van Dieren”It is essential to explore the history and fundamental principles of this community, wrapped in mystery and speculation. Active between the second century BC and the first century AD, these ascets were known for their cosmological vision of existence and for a reclusive existence, far from urban centers and corruption of society.
However, historical sources are not unanimous in sketching a certain image of their origin and structure. That space leaves for alternative interpretations and theories.
According to the most accredited studies, the members of this brotherhood lived in isolated communities, such as those of Qumran, on the banks of the Dead Sea. Here they would have transcribed and saved holy texts that have testified a vision of the world on the basis of universal harmony.
Just to understand each other, every element of reality, from human to animals, from plants to minerals, seen as part of a large living organism, regulated by unchanging spiritual and moral laws.
As for their daily practices, they reflected a rigorous ethics, in which vegetarianism was not only a food choice, but a sacred respect for life.
In practice, the relationship with the animal world was not based on the domain, but on the cooperation and the holiness of shared existence. Every being was in fact considered with consciousness and a spiritual appearance, essential to maintain the divine balance of the universe.
This vision unites them to other wisdom traditions of antiquity, such as neo -Platonism and some Eastern movements, in which the interconnection between all beings is considered a universal law. However, there is a question: will the Essens really exist?
Myth or historical reality?
The existence of this brotherhood has long been discussed by historians. The most important sources that they call them come from authors as a vein of Alexandria, Giuseppe Flavio and Pliny The elder, who describes them as men of great wisdom, dedicated to an ascetic life and characterized by a deep respect for knowledge and spirituality.
Nevertheless, the scarcity of direct references in official documents and the absence of unambiguous identification between the texts of Qumran and the Essena -sex questions about the real scope of their influence.
Some scholars assume that this brotherhood was not a homogeneous and unitary group, but an esoteric current widespread in different regions of the middle -east, influenced by multiple spiritual traditions.
Under this was it Zoroastrianism (Ancient Persian religion founded by Zaratustra, based on the duality between good and evil and on the cosmic struggle between the forces of light and that of darkness), hermeticism (series of philosophical-religious doctrines attributed to the legendary Meter trismegistoFocused on esoteric knowledge and on the principle of correspondence between macrocosm and microcosmos) and various forms of Jewish mysticism, which would have found expression in the cabal and in other wisdom traditions.
The mysterious disappearance of the Essenes
Their apparent disappearance coincides with an event of Epochal Scope: the destruction of the second temple of Jerusalem in 70 AD. This holy place represented the center of the religious and identity life of the Jewish people. Built after the return of the Jews by the Babylonian exile, he replaced the first temple founded by Solomon and destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC.
The destruction of the new building took place during the Roman siege of Jerusalem, led by the legions of the emperor Tito in the context of the first Jewish war. This tragic episode marked the end of Jewish autonomy in Palestine and concerned the spread of the Jewish population, with in -depth consequences for the cultural and spiritual future of the people of Israel.
In the end, the destruction of the temple and the collapse of the traditional priestly structures could have pushed the members of this community to spread, leaving traces of their doctrine in other schools.
It is useful to indicate that, according to some hypotheses, their teachings have not been lost, but they have distributed by hidden traditions that flowed into Christian and heretical movements, such as Gnosticism and initiative movements of the late Middle Ages. And it doesn’t end here.
Connections with Ufology and alternative theories
The cosmic vision of this brotherhood has not only attracted the attention of historians and theologians, but also of researchers of unconventional phenomena. Some alternative theories suggest that their knowledge was not only the result of inner research, but derived from contact with higher entities, seen as heavenly masters or non -terrestrial intelligences.
According to some authors of the Ufological atmosphere, the descriptions in the roles of the Dead Sea can be interpreted as references to extraterrestrial appearance. The concept of “Children of Light”Often mentioned in the Essen texts, is sometimes associated with spiritual beings of extraterrestrial origin, who came to the earth to lead humanity to an inwardly awakening.
Some connect this vision with the theory of “Old astronauts”Assuming that the advanced knowledge of this community was the result of an interaction with advanced civilizations, which would convey spiritual and technological teachings. Although these hypotheses are not supported by official historiography, they emphasize the charm that Essea Culture still practices today, which feeds speculations and esoteric re -reading.
A tradition that still resonates in the present
Regardless of their effective existence, the thought has been attributed to these mystics over the centuries that influence spiritual, philosophical and even ecological movements.
In the aftermath of this tradition, the “Gospel Esseno van Dieren” Olivier Manitara is not limited to remembering an old wisdom, but translates it into an urgent attraction for consciousness and responsibility. In an era in which animals are often exploited and reduced to purely aids at the service of people, the message of the book becomes a necessity ethics And spiritual.
Manitara underlines that the way in which humanity deals with other forms of life, reflects its own level of inner evolution: a society that suppresses and destroys the animal kingdom is a society that has lost the bond with the divine and with the principles of balance and justice.
Far from a simple complaint, the author’s vision is therefore configured as a concrete proposal of transformation: switch from domination to cooperation, from violence for protection, from indifference to consciousness. It is not only a new way to think of animals, but a paradigm change that invests the relationship of man with the world and with himself.