The Fishermen’s Guild of El Hierro suffers pressure for its support for the ‘Mar de Las Calmas National Park’

From the constitution of the Mar de Las Calmas National Parkthe El Hierro Fishermen’s Guild has expressed its support for such an initiative. Environmental groups denounce pressure on the aforementioned brotherhood by various public officials of the regional government.

The Virgin of the Kings of El Hierro Fishermen’s Guildbased in La Restinga, is receiving pressure on its board of directors after publicly supporting the creation of the Marine National Park on the island.

Pressures that come from public officials of the regional government and the El Cabildo, specifically the Director General of Fisheries of the Government of the Canary Islands and the rresponsible for the fishing area of ​​the island institution.

A problem that has reached the point of forcing the president of the brotherhood, Víctor Navarro, to present his resignation after threats received by Sebastián Reyes, General Director of Fisheries and the official Ana García, who also send letters demanding the resignation of other members of the fishing entity.

Mar de Las Calmas National Park is defended, not attacked

They publicly defend the work carried out by the current leaders of the only Brotherhood on the Meridian Island, who have not only been able to promote and promote the creation of the first Marine Reserve in the Canary Islands, that of the Mar de Las Calmas, but also about 35 years They decidedly opted for an authentic sustainable fishing model and responsible with the natural environment, forever eliminating fishing gear such as longlines, trammel nets or pots, among others. Today El Hierro and its fishermen are a model to follow for the rest of the Canary Islands, Spain and the world, without any doubt.

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Los environmentalists show their deep rejection and discomfort for the despicable events that have recently occurred in the Virgen de Los Reyes Fishermen’s Guild of El Hierro and that have no place in a democratic society, much less if they come from public officials of our island institutions.

Before this violation of democratic values ​​and for the sake of the health of the fishing sector, They ask the President of the Government of the Canary Islands to dismiss the General Director of the area, Mr. Sebastián Reyes, remove the official Ana García from responsibilities in the fishing sector or any other disciplinary measure, as well as the reinstatement of the President of the Fishermen’s Guild , Mr. Víctor Navarro, democratically elected by the island fishing sector.

The Mar de Las Calmas National Park has recently been incorporated into the Spanish Natural Parks heritage, so should receive unanimous support from all sectors and governments.