The green future of electric vehicles

THE ADOPTION OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES IS WIDELY CELEBRATED AS AN ECOLOGICAL TURNING POINT IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY: A STEP TOWARD A GREEN FUTURE. However, there are those who remain skeptical about the alleged environmental benefits of this technology.

The green future promised by electric cars: disagreements and doubts

Are electric cars really good for the climate? Is there a clear advantage over traditional fossil fuel cars? Let’s try to understand whether electric vehicles are a real solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the environment

When the topic of energy and emerging technologies is discussed, the terrain of consensus often seems slippery. Academic institutions such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the world famous OF Boston climate watchdogs such as BloombergNEF and Columbia Law School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law say the assessment is complex and requires in-depth analysis. This should also include the processes involved in the production of the vehicles, the impact on the environment and the supply of critical minerals.

However, there is broad consensus on one point: electric vehicles are a better choice for the environment than their fossil fuel counterparts. Despite the evidence, why do some continue to question the electric future of our roads?

For those working in the clean energy sector or supporting the transition to more sustainable mobility, these questions are by no means new, but they lay the foundation for a deeper discussion about the challenges and opportunities ahead in advancing more sustainable mobility. future green for our mobility.

The key to the future: decarbonization and electric vehicles

From a 2019 study by David Keet, professor of system dynamics at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, revealed that rapid decarbonization of transportation is crucial to the success of global efforts against the worst impacts of anthropogenic climate change. That is, they arise from human actions.

In particular, Albert Goremanager of Zero Emission Transportation Association, highlights an often overlooked aspect of the vehicle debate. Speaking of this issue: «we must take into account not only the emissions of individual vehicles, but the entire life cycle, from production to fuel.”.

In short, it is important to understand that the electricity grid, which is increasingly powered by renewable sources, offers an important opportunity to reduce the environmental impact of vehicles. But will that be enough in the future? «I think it might be surprising to some people that the carbon intensity (CI – measures the amount of CO₂ emitted per kilowatt hour of electricity consumed, ed.), is on average much, much lower than that of gasoline as a transportation fuel”needs Gore.

«And gasoline doesn’t get much cleaner. Electricity is getting cleaner very, very quickly.”

Environmental challenges of electric vehicles: we explore the risks from the perspective of the ‘skeptics’

While electric vehicles are widely regarded as a cleaner alternative to fossil fuel vehicles, it is crucial to recognize that they still pose a number of challenges and risks to the environment. For skeptics, these challenges are central issues in the debate.

A recent example was an article from New York Postwhich cited a 2022 study. The research shows that electric vehicles release more toxic particles into the atmosphere and are worse for the environment than fossil fuel vehicles.

Pollution from particulate emissions

However, the research conducted by Emission analysis, a British-based company specializing in real-world emissions testing, clarified the doubt. The researchers have in fact highlighted that the emissions of particulate matter (a set of solid or liquid substances suspended in the air), due to tire wear on electric vehicles, can be significantly higher than on fuel vehicles. How is that possible?

Vehicle weight: Electric vehicles are generally heavier than fuel vehicles due to the batteries. This extra weight can increase tire wear, causing more particulate matter;

Electrical torque: electric motors deliver a high torque from the start (the thrust that the electric motor gives to the mechanical transmission and therefore to the wheels). Which can increase tire wear, especially during acceleration and deceleration;

Driving mode: Some EV drivers may adopt a more dynamic driving style and benefit from the direct power of electric motors. This driving style can contribute to faster tire wear and therefore to higher particulate matter emissions.

Vehicle design: some electric vehicles they may have a design that promotes the accumulation of particles and dust in suspension or braking system components, increasing airborne particulate matter emissions.

Type of tires: Some tires may be designed to optimize energy efficiency at the expense of durability and wear. They can therefore generate more particulate matter during use, especially on abrasive road surfaces.

Answer to the skeptics

The discussion about these topics is often so complex and nuanced that it is difficult to make a quick and clear judgement. Although the production of electric vehicles involves the use of different materials and production processes than traditional vehicles, this does not necessarily mean a worse impact on the environment.

Indeed, it is important to consider that these resources are not automatically more harmful to the environment. Moreover, while the negative production results may rival those of traditional cars, it is essential to take into account that this impact is offset by usage over time.

It is important to note that an exclusive focus on this aspect therefore does not provide a complete picture of the situation and neglects other crucial factors such as fuel production and refining.

The transition to sustainable mobility: balance between benefits and challenges

As the production and purchase of electric vehicles increases, manufacturing processes are constantly being refined. This gradual progress translates into increasingly clear long-term environmental benefits, with an overall reduction in environmental impact.

However, despite the clear benefits of electric vehicles, it is essential to carefully evaluate both the positive aspects and the challenges associated with this transition to cleaner and responsible mobility. To underline it Ben Prochazkaexecutive director of the nonpartisan, nonprofit organization The Electrification Coalition.

“SWe are witnessing a transition from a fossil fuel-based economy to a potentially mineral-based economy, and every action taken during this transition will have an impact.It is therefore essential that we consider how we can minimize this impact by promoting transport education and adopting high business standards and ethical working practices.”.

But there’s more. «We must ensure that electric vehicles are produced to strict environmental standards and that they are purchased in countries that share our democratic values.”

Convincing skeptics: the role of education

How can the electric car industry convince its skeptics? Prochazka emphasizes the importance of a continuous educational and informative approach. «Electric vehicle advocates understand that the process of acceptance and trust in the technology will not happen overnight. However, this slow progress does not diminish the urgency to educate and inform the public.”

For those looking to the future with the hope that electric vehicles will dominate the roads, it is essential to redouble our efforts to communicate the benefits that will come from the wider adoption of this technology.

«Electric vehicles offer a unique opportunity to reduce pollution over time because they connect to an increasingly cleaner electricity grid. This not only reduces dependence on oil, but also contributes to economic and national security.”.

Word of mouth plays a key role in promoting electric vehicles. “There is a cul-de-sac effect”, explains. «Once your neighbor has one, you are much more likely to buy one. Once you drive it, and once you drive it and load it, suddenly those things unravel.”concludes Prochazka.

However, common questions and discussions about the benefits of electric vehicles can be frustrating for advocates and industry experts, especially if they are based on misleading or inaccurate information. Therefore, it is essential to pursue in-depth and accurate education on electric vehicles, where doubts and uncertainties are addressed transparently and clearly.

«I think people can see something that seems more destructive to their daily lives and the things they care about than it might be, and it can lend itself to some reactionary misunderstandings.”, Gore adds. «We’ve really tried to consistently provide credible, validated, scientific, objective, and truthful third-party data to people struggling with these questions, but it’s hard to remain patient and just say, “It will get better with time.” .” when there is a truly joint effortUnpleasant and well-funded to ensure this doesn’t happen.”

Word of mouth: a winning strategy for the green future

This phenomenon highlights the importance of direct feedback and personal experiences in changing perceptions and convincing people about the effectiveness and usability of electric vehicles. Word of mouth creates a network of support and trust that can be crucial in accelerating the adoption of this technology.
