The green revolution starts from southern Italy


The green revolution starts from Southern Italy with ad hoc regulations on renewable energy in the regions of Abruzzo, Campania, Basilicata, Sicily, Sardinia, Puglia and Calabria among the first to legislate on the topic.

«Those of the South were also the first regions to support the basic law number 8/2020 – whose regulatory origin lies in a European directive on renewables – text of conversion of a decree which introduced into our system the concept of collective self-consumption and of energy community”. To underline it is Edi Lalafounder of Multicompel Technology, based in Abruzzo and active throughout the national territory.

For years now, communities of “prosumer”, i.e. the producers-consumers of energy generated from renewable sources.

Green revolution: the key is solar energy

The key to the transition to the South can happen by taking advantage of the good fortune of having the greater availability of solar resourcewhich can make companies truly competitive with the right development models.

The regional law of Puglia already provides for a contribution paid through a public tender for the preparation of the energy community project and all the necessary documentation in the preliminary stages of establishment.

Good examples of the green revolution

In Campania a good example is that of San Giovanni a Teduccio. In this neighborhood of Naples, in fact, through a partnership between Legambiente e Maria’s Family Foundationshe’s born the first solidarity energy community in Italy which supports 40 families in extreme poverty.

Another example is in the municipality of Barrea villa (L’Aquila), in the heart of the Abruzzo National Park. The first Italian “nearly zero energy impact community” project was created here. Objective achieved with the redevelopment of one small hydroelectric power stationthanks to a public-private collaboration that sees the direct involvement of citizens.

Then there are the energy communities in Sicily a Processes (Syracuse) where the first energy community on the island was born and Sferro (Catania). And then again in Sardinia Zero (Sassari), a Villanovaforru (Cagliari) and others Ussaramanna (Middle Campidano).

photovoltaic panels
Energy requalification

Advantages of photovoltaic energy

The latest generation photovoltaic systems allow you to significantly lower your bill costs, reducing these costs by up to 80%.

In fact, a photovoltaic system brings significant savings, and sometimes even a profit. In fact this happens if you opt for the mechanism of “exchange on site” (SSP). It allows you to resell to GSE the energy produced in excess of one’s energy needs.

Furthermore, with storage systems (batteries) it is possible to subsequently use the energy produced and not self-consumed, so as to always have a supply of green energy. The latter will be useful when it is dark or on days that are not sunny enough.

Another advantage is that photovoltaics increases the value of properties because it contributes significantly toenergy efficiency of homes and businesses.

photovoltaic panels green revolution

Green homes, towards the 2030 objectives

The international target is that from 1 January 2030, all new residential properties will have to be a zero emissions coming from fossil fuels. For non-residential buildings the obligation will start from 2028.

Furthermore, by 2030 average energy consumption will have to be reduced by 16% in the most polluting residential properties; by 2035 the reduction must be 22%. For non-residential buildings, however, the reduction must be 16% by 2030 and 26%.

By 2040 there will also be a stop to fossil fuel heating systems (the old polluting boilers). While the obligation to install solar panels concerns: from 2030 new residential buildings, from 2025 large public and non-residential buildings.