The IDAE will report in real time on the PRTR funds to promote the energy transition

Territorial management of the IDAE

The Autonomous Communities and Ceuta and Melilla are responsible for managing the emergency lines with high capillarity throughout the territory. the main recipients of which are citizens, households, SMEs and local entities. He IDAE It is responsible for the distribution of resources among regional governments based on an objective distribution system previously agreed between central and regional governments. When the autonomous communities and cities have exhausted the allocated budget, they can request extensions.

So, through the autonomous communitiesinitiatives are promoted to accelerate the transition to sustainable mobility; energy rehabilitation, with particular implications for municipalities with demographic challenges; the energy transition in municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants; and the General Government of the State and the use of self-consumption, with specific measures aimed at energy communities.

Subsidies are awarded in these calls for anyone who meets the eligibility requirements, in order of request. Of the available budget, 4,734 million is allocated to autonomous management calls.

As a result of his management, the autonomous communities and Ceuta and Melilla, report their implementation data to the system enabled by IDAE and which is available on the website, divided into the helplines for which they are responsible: self-consumption, storage and thermal energy in the residential sector, renewable thermal energy in different sectors of the economy, sustainable energy strategies for the Balearic and Canary Islands; MOVES II and III, dedicated to promoting sustainable mobility; and the PREE and PREE 5000 programs, lines that aim to promote energy efficiency and recovery.