The illegal Oliva Beach and Tres Islas hotels will soon be history

Los illegal hotels Oliva Beach y Three Islands They will soon be history: SEO/BirdLife celebrates the ruling of the Constitutional Court which confirms the competence of the State not to renew the concession of two hotels and some apartments of the Riu chain in the dunes of Corralejo (Fuerteventura).

The autonomous government had presented allegations claiming the State’s powers. The hotels and apartments are located in an area of ​​high ecological value, in the public maritime-terrestrial domain and in the heart of Red Natura 2000.

For the NGO, the current transfer of powers regarding coasts cannot mean a detriment to the environment or biodiversity. The NGO asks for solutions for workers in the event of cessation of activity and the necessary demolition of the hotel complex.

After the failure of the Constitutional Court in favor of the State in relation to the powers relating to the expiration file of two hotels and an apartment complex of the Riu hotel chain in the Corralejo Natural Park (Fuerteventura)the way is clear for the demolition of these tourist infrastructures.

Both the apartments and the Oliva Beach and Tres Islas hotels, in addition to being a visual anomaly of great impact within the most relevant dune complex in the Canary Islands, generate serious damage and deterioration both to the space and to a good number of protected bird species..

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The affected area is a declared space Special Conservation Area (ZEC Corralejo) y Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA Dunas de Corralejo and Islote de Lobos)both belonging to the Red Natura 2000.

Among other species, there are hubara canaria (Chlamydotis undulata fuerteventurae), cataloged as “in danger of extinction“, and the Saharan corridor (Cursorius cursor) or the ganga ortega (Pterocles orientalis), both in the category of “vulnerable” in it List of Wild Species under Special Protection Regime and the Spanish Catalog of Endangered Species.

A hotel that fails to comply with all regulations

After several decades of concession, in February 2020, the State signed the expiration of the concession for failing to comply with cost regulations, and notified the concessionaire of the obligation to demolish. He Government of the Canary Islandsimmersed in the process of transferring powers in this matter by the Central Government, went to the Constitutional Court in defense of what he considered his interests.

Now, this court rejects the allegations raised by the Canary Islands executive and determines that the decision-making regarding the expiration of the concession of the hotels and apartments corresponds to the State and not to the autonomous community. It is, therefore, in the hands of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (Miteco) to guarantee that they are demolished, and that the pertinent ecological restoration is carried out.

We celebrate the ruling of the Constitutional Court, which confirms the jurisdiction of the State in this circumstance, and we ask the regional executive to show the same zeal that it shows, when claiming powers from the State, in guaranteeing compliance with environmental regulations in the archipelago. .

Solutions for workers in case of closure and demolition

On the other hand, the NGO requests, from both the regional and central administration, collaboration and dialogue to identify options for workers who would be affected by a possible demolition and the cessation of economic activity that would entail.