The largest hydrogen mine in history, at the gates of Spain: there is enough for all of humanity for millennia

They discover the mine hydrogen largest in history at the gates of Spain. There is enough to power all of humanity for millennia. Quite a find that could deliver projects of the magnitude of this H-engine with 16,000 hp. In the context of the energy transition we are in, hydrogen is emerging as a key vector to bring about a change in the economy and transform it into a low-carbon economy. Under these circumstances Y-TEC (the technological branch of YPF) and the CONICET they created the second H2ar foruman event that attracted more than 180 professionals and specialists from the sector.

Although the meeting had the Argentine market as its central axis, many of the statements made can be applied to global energy activity. “By Y-TEC “We have been coordinating this space for four years because we see that this technology, this new energy vector, will play a key role in the energy future,” he stated. Juan Bergna, technical leader of the H2ar Consortiumcreated by the oil company.

He also emphasized that this resource has the potential to convert the energy sector and other industries, such as transportation and manufacturing, that are looking for cleaner options to reduce their carbon footprint. More than 70 leading companies from the energy and automotive sectors were present, including YPF, Toyota, Total, Siemens Energy, Baker Hughes, Linde, Ford, Mercedes Benz and Basf and the hydrogen associations of Brazil and Uruguay and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Their presence alone showed the relevance that H has acquired at a business level.

Very close to Spain they find the largest hydrogen mine in the world

The mine of hydrogen largest in history was found in neighboring country of Spain: France. They were looking for natural gas and eventually found the largest supply of white H in the world. Lorrainescientists are investigating a virtually unlimited supply of natural hydrogen. The problem is that it is located at great depths and there is still no technology advanced enough to extract it.

This discovery north of France has engineers and scientists who work non-stop on optimal technology to… hydrogen located there. The discovery took place in 2022, during methane exploration under the coal mines of Folschvillernorth of the French region Lorraine. The surprise was enormous when the researchers realized that the concentration of hydrogen naturally grew as they went deeper.

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They spent months studying the concentration of the gas in different layers until they decided they were probably looking at the largest deposit hydrogen white found so far. This news is a big step on an energy level for both of them France as for the rest of Europe.

It should be noted that the white hydrogen is he natural hydrogen. Unlike green H, which is produced from water with renewable energy, or gray H, the most common, which comes from natural gas, orange H occurs naturally in the subsurface.

The largest hydrogen mine in history exposed: a major challenge lies ahead

The first challenge experts face is creating a suitable extraction technology. There is still no one who can extract H and separate it from other gases at depths of more than a kilometer. Once this problem is resolved, the second challenge will be the development of a plan that allows amortization of the investments involved in the extraction of H2 under pressure and mixing conditions different from conventional gas exploitation.

They plan to extend the exploration for a few more years to better understand the reservoir and fully evaluate its true potential. While the world is keeping a close eye on what’s happening with the hydrogen found in FranceSpain creates an invention that can produce H from nothing.