The Canadian Minera The Metals Company has formally initiated a process before the United States Department of Commerce to request licenses and exploration permits to extract minerals from the oceanic fund.
The company plans to present its APPLICATION TO THE AMPARO of the Hard Mineral Resources Law of 1980 (DSHMRA) instead of International Marine Fund Authority (ISA)since the latter still has not adopted regulation on the exploitation of seabed.
He also added that he has requested a Consultation prior to request with the Oceanic and Atmospheric National Administration (NOA).
The Bet of The Metals Company for becoming the first company to obtain approval to exploit deep water minerals has been controversial.
Ecologist groups ask that all activities be forbiddenwarning that Industrial operations in the oceanic fund they could cause an irreversible loss of biodiversity.
«We believe that We have sufficient knowledge to start and demonstrate that we can manage environmental risks. Which We need is a regulator with a solid regulatory regime and that is willing to give our request a fair hearing«, Said Gerard Barron, general director of The Metals Company.
The Metals Company ‘Salta’ the UN process
The Metals Company (TMC) has announced that will request a mining permit in deep waters in accordance with American national mining regulations of the 1980s.
This announcement occurred moments before your meeting with investors and the day before your Commercial mining exploitation request It would be discussed in the International Marine Fund Authority (ISA)knowing that they would not get a clear way for it and try to mitigate the damage to their business.
Ecologists respond: This is another of the PATHETICAL TACTICS OF THE METALS COMPANY and a Insult to multilateralism. Demonstrates that An underwater mining moratorium is more necessary than ever.
It also shows that the company’s CEO plans, Gerard Barron, never focused on solutions for climatic catastrophe. As the environmentalists said at the beginning of this meeting of the ISA, The Metals Company is desperate and now encourages a violation of international law by announcing its intention to exploit international seabed through the United States Deep Water Mineral Resources Law.
This occurs after The Metals Company years have spent an immense pressure on the international authority of seabed to try to force governments to allow mining in international seabedCommon Heritage of Humanity.
States, civil society, scientists, companies and indigenous communities continue to oppose resistance to these efforts. After having tried and failed in his attempt to press the international community to meet his demands, This reckless advertisement is a slap to international cooperation.
The measure is a stab in the back ‘for the Pacific and a threat to multilateralism
The Metals Company is showing its true face: greedy, dangerous and desperate. It is very clear that The Metals Company He has never imported economic prosperity or employment for the inhabitants of Nauru, Kiribati or Tonga, nor address the climatic crisis.
A The Metals Company One thing has only imported it: fill your pockets with money cattle at the expense of our vital blood of the Pacific: the ocean. The Pacific is not a merchandise; The seabed mining industry is pressing to exploit the resources and communities of the Pacific for lucrative purposes; It cannot continue to occur.
This measure runs the risk of leaving Nouru, Kiribati and Tonga in the stake, and it is an insult to multilateralism. The Metals Company He has been trying to press the international community to meet his demands in the ISA, Pressing and manipulating the Pacific governments with the promise of a brighter and greener future.
Despair generates deception, and The Metals Company has never been more desperate
Now the facade has collapsed, and The Metals Company Leave after a reguero of unfulfilled promises. Underwater mining is in trouble. The Metals Company He may be taking advantage of the first opportunity to be presented to turn his back on Nauru, and is taking advantage of any way to carry out his desperate and dying agenda, in this case, even if he could violate international law.
The international community is called to lift and defend multilateralism against dishonest actors such as The Metals Company.
International seabed are common heritage of humanity and no state must take unilateral measures to exploit them. To end this industry, Governments must quickly advance towards the adoption of an underwater mining moratorium.
This action perpetuates the reckless career for resources, whose consequences are known to be disastrous throughout the world. The Pacific is not a real estate that can be bought, selling or stealing.