The new Secretary of State for Energy, Joan Groizard, starts talks with representatives of the ‘Alliance for Self-consumption’

The Secretary of State for Energy, Joan Groizard, met with representatives of the Alliance for Self-Consumption platform composed of 61 entities covering the energy sector, environmental organizations, consumers, businesses and majority trade unions–, in the context of the update of Royal Decree 244/2019 of April 5for what regulate the administrative, technical and economic conditions for self-consumption of electrical energy.

During the meeting, where, as a representative of the Alliance for Self-ConsumptionPaula Santos, director of Energy Communities of UNEF; Carol Coll, Technical Secretary of I am Energy; Soledad Moreno, consumer technician at BLIND; and Raquel Paule, director of Renewable foundation and secretary of BijlA; Some of the key allegations raised during the preliminary public consultation phase have been addressed of the project Royal decreewhich remained open until October 23.

“I wanted to start the year with this meeting because It is a priority for us to continue to promote self-consumptionby adapting the regulations to the progress made over the past five years and by improving those aspects that require this, with all the experience gained during this time,” he explained. Groizard at the beginning of the meeting.

“Precisely with the aim of enriching the new regulatory framework with all that accumulated experience, We carry out a broadly participatory process, in which all actors involved can provide ideas and possible improvements” he noted.

2,000 million euros for the use of own consumption

Since the publication in 2019 of the Royal Decree 244/2019of April 5, where regulate the administrative, technical and economic conditions for self-consumption of electrical energy, Several factors have changed the reality of self-consumption in Spain.

In recent years, this type of energy consumption has been particularly affected by the volatility caused by the pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine.the launch of new business models or the promotion of their implementation thanks to funds from the Plan for recovery, transformation and resilience that, by Institute for Diversification and Energy Savings (IDAE)depending on Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has more than allocated 2,000 million euros for the use of own consumption.

Therefore, Last October, after a preliminary public consultation, MITECO launched a broad participatory process that will enable the design of a new regulatory frameworkmore coherent with the current needs of the use of own consumptionallowing the experience of recent years to be integrated. After an initial phase of examining the allegations received during a public consultation, the Ministry’s work teams, led by the State Secretary for Energyhave started meeting with the main representation platforms of the different sectors involved.