The renewable megapark with which Spain has an impact on Europe: it floats on water and will triple the continent’s energy

An important project related to a mega park renewable It is the solution that has come to the country through a renowned company from Spain specialized in the search for fast and comprehensive energy solutions, making the most of photovoltaic energy and its many benefits. It has high-end technology that is expected to triple the continent’s energy production in the future.

Renewable energy sources are gaining ground in Spain, where self-consumption is declining

It is necessary to remember that Spain is one of the most important countries in the European Union that aims to reduce the environmental impact that its companies create every year. This would be done through the implementation of various sustainable projects aimed at self-consumptionrecycling, self-sufficiency and energy saving, the country is also investing large amounts of money in strengthening this specific sector.

By acting in this environmentally friendly way through self-consumption, Spain significantly reduces electricity expenditure, which in the long term causes high levels of environmental pollution that will cause serious complications that future generations will have to deal with. Now a new photovoltaic plan is putting the country back on the map, creating an infrastructure that is recognized across Europe.


As a contribution to the national target, Sivortex is currently developing more than a dozen floating photovoltaic projects on water layers, which would translate into large amounts of energy obtained through a sustainable, sustainable resource with high energy savings. sustainable companies of today.

This is the sustainable mega park that floats on the water

Among this long list of projects carried out by the above-mentioned organization, the large Segarra-Garrigues canal stands out, which could be characterized as the largest in Spain. It would be located mainly in the province of Lleida, this would be a mega solar park. could significantly change the game of self-consumption promoted in the agricultural sector.

The above infrastructure is being developed on the relevant irrigation canal, which is responsible for the water supply of more than 70,000 hectares aimed at the cultivation of various foodstuffs. A common question is whether this innovative project could have a negative impact on the pond, and the truth is that it would not affect the drinkability of the water in any way; on the contrary, it will benefit by reducing reservoir losses caused by natural water. effects such as evaporation.

The details about this mega park: the energy it will use and its power

Located in the Segarra-Garrigues Canal, this photovoltaic park has a huge capacity of fifteen megawatt peak (15 MWp), far exceeding what was believed to be the largest in all of Europe, the same park that currently has a capacity of 5 MW. The aforementioned is now based in Alqueva, Portugal, becoming the second largest on the continent.

The energy that is extracted from this large solar park It will be used exclusively to power pumping systems for the irrigation of agricultural fields already mentioned, with Las Garrigas, SegriĆ”, Plana de Urgel, Segarra, Noguera and Urgel being the places that have benefited from this impressive project developed by Sivortex and the French company Ciel&Terre.

Once again Spain aims to protect its renewable resources, opting for various projects and alternatives to bring clean and sustainable energy to all corners of its country, bringing together an endless list of environmentally friendly plans, which also reduce the impact on the climate significantly reduce their self-sufficiency and self-consumption. Finally, more companies and organizations are invited to choose a sustainable and ecosystem-friendly life.