The Spanish water reserve today is 30,673 cubic hectometers

The water reserve Spain is at 54.7% of its total capacity. The reservoirs currently store 30,673 cubic hectometers (hm³) of water, increasing in the last week by 1,008 cubic hectometers (1.8% of the current total capacity of the reservoirs).

The water reserve by areas according to MITECO is the next:

  • Eastern Cantabrian is at 91.8%
  • Western Cantabrian at 92%
  • Miño-Sil at 87.2%
  • Galicia Coast at 92.7%
  • Internal basins of the Basque Country at 90.5%
  • Duero at 73.5%
  • Cut at 71.5%
  • Guadiana at 36.9%
  • Red, Odiel and Piedras at 76.4%
  • Guadalete-Barbate at 17.3%
  • Guadalquivir at 25.9%
  • Andalusian Mediterranean Basin at 19.4%
  • Safe at 18.9%
  • Júcar at 49.8%
  • Ebro at 68.5%
  • Internal basins of Catalonia at 14.5%

Precipitation have considerably affected the entire peninsula. The maximum occurred in Bilbao (A) – Bilbo (A) with 108.7 mm (108.7 l/m²).

The situation of the basins, in cubic hectometers, is detailed in the attached table:

This information is also available in a more visual way in the new MITECO web application. In addition, every week the file is updated in this section, which includes a table with data on peninsular reservoirs with a capacity greater than 5 hm³ since 1988.