The stress generated by the ‘lack of time’ influences all areas, in particular mental health, it is important to learn to say no

We have every time Fewer childrenMore ComfortMore Devices And Devices intended to do our lives. But despite these progress we are doing something wrong.

There are many who live without time for something: They leave the office lateThey are continuous Claimed by mobileAnswer 30 daily emailsMeetings

And when you get home, homeworkchildrendinner. There are still things to do after bed. A lot of. This is not a life. Unfortunately, such scenes are not exaggerated. This is the daily life of many men and women.

People who live stressed, tense or angry

There is more and more evidence that a rushed life is very harmful to health spiritual. According to the World Health Organisationaround 2.3 million people in our country (5.9% of the population) suffers Axiety and stress -related disorders.

Other sources determine that this is 1 in 3 people in Europe. Why are this data important? Because we know today One of the biggest stress generators of current society is exactly the Lack of time.

But it has also been shown that stress influences the development of cardiovascular, digestion, immune system (infections, cancer …) or chronic pain.

So injury of the rhythm of life so accelerated that we wear They are a lot. There is more and more evidence that a rushed life Very harmful to health. But also for the management of Emotions, thoughts and for the Quality of life.

Today we are looking for Fast, immediate pleasures. There is no time for it anymore. And not only leisure time, but also coexistence is affected. The Relationships are becoming increasingly superficial And he is dedicated Less time for people, family, conflict solution: “This is what is there”, “I can’t waste time“,” I would like to stay, but I’m very busy “…

Do we know the risks? Friendships, relationships, are mainly forged with coexistence. And that requires time. Also the links with the children. These are not caused by print, but with the shared experiences. The more the better.

I can’t waste anymore

The feeling of lack of time is a persistent problem in an accelerated modern societyin which people often feel that they look forced to do everything quickly and badlyof Endless task lists.

This situation can generate frustration and in the worst case it has Significant consequences for the brain, health and relationships. Experts in sociology and neuroscience explain that when they understand these perspectives, we can do that Take measures to restore control over our time and properly.

According to recent trade union data Ugtwork stress and time pressure are important factors in the Increased victims Because of problems Mental health.

In 2023 they registered More than 600,000 work victims For psychological disorders in Spain, 17 % more than in the previous year. A study of Mental Health Confederation of Spain Does that indicate 15 % of the longest victims are due to stressAnd that this is the Second cause of work After the musculoskeletal problems.

Work stress is most common in Spain, but financial and staff also influence mental health. 24.7 % of people who served in first -line care offer a psychiatric problem, according to the Ministry of Health. 6.7 % of the population suffers from anxiety and 4.1 % depression, with a slightly higher prevalence in women and people with a low income.

Are we really so busy or do we not know how to manage our time?

An expert, Explain our time through the concept of accelerationfrom the German sociologist Hartmut pink. Life in contemporary societies is acceleratedwhich means The amount of actions per unit of time has increased.

Although technological progress promised to save time, in many cases they have had the opposite effect.

Although technology has accelerated processes such as production, communication and transport, time seems to be becoming scarce. An example is e -mailthat promised to streamline work management and organization, but today takes more time than before.

Daily life is filled with procedures and regulations: Must buy tickets, fill in forms and ask for online appointments It often uses. Information over tax prevents processing prevents correctly.

It’s every time Less time for essential activities, such as Eat, sleep, walk or talkwhat generates frustration and uncertainty. The Constant Presence of screens and the acceleration of the rhythm of life They give rise to loss of “Resonance with the world”As a result, reality loses its meaning for people.

This time pressure and significant loss therefore have an increase in work asuality due to stressdepression and other malaise variants in relation to the Frustration and dissatisfaction With someone’s life and with the inability to meet all requirements.

At the same time, and despite the apparent convenience of setting up social relationships or contacts through electronic communication, the Sensation of lonelinessTo the extent that the affected population may be needed Institutional support.

Neuroscience reveals some problems

The constant pressure of timeespecially in combination with a perception of lack of control, It influences three important brain areas: The amygdala, the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus.

If we have that perception of lack of control because of the constant pressure of time, It is released Cortisol. That Cortisol It is longer in our body than it should and acts in the brain atmosphere.

The amygdalaresponsible for Emotional processingIt becomes hyperactive under the constant pressure of the time, which It can activate tension.

This condition has been exacerbated because stress increases the dendritic exclusions of its neurons, which improve their activity and increase the risk of anxious reactions.

On the other hand, the CortisolHormone released during stressHas a negative influence on other important brain areas. In the prefrontal cortexfundamentally for taking decisions, reasoning and cognitive efficiencyYour inhibition causes a decrease in the ability to make accurate decisions and to reasonably reason. However, these changes are functional and are usually reversed when the tension disappears.

On the other hand, The Hippocampusessential for Memory and learningsuffering more sustainable effects. He Chronic stress Atrophy are pyramidal neurons and reduces its ability to consolidate information.

In addition, Inhibits neurogenesisThat is, the formation of new neurons in this region, which further endangers memory and learning ability.

Although the prefrontal cortex can restore, the tonsil and the hippocampus can therefore experience more persistent changes, With significant consequences for mental and cognitive health.

Stress strategies and take the reins of our time

A social and individual change is necessary to tackle this problem. Set a transformation in our relationship with the world through the book In defense of the conversationfrom the MIT psychologist Sherry Turkle.

The work emphasizes the importance of restoring Personal conversation for the Negative effects of electronic communicationas the Loss of empathythe Listening difficulties, superficiality in dialogues, distraction, lack of concentrationHe Ghosting And the lack of introspection and creativity.

Lime proposes to recover well in the digital age by creating technology -free spacesPromoting introspection and practicing Unitare To improve the concentration.

It also recommends the Seven minutes ruleTo deepen conversations and to strengthen conscious communication.

However, they warn that There are no magical solutions To improve the quality of life. Activities such as delegating tasks, withdrawing into a monastery, practicing yoga or taking vacations can offer Temporary lightingBut don’t transform our relationship with the world.

The same applies to The use of drugs or medicinesthat alone Provide superficial solutions. To achieve a complete life and to restore a world with meaning, it is necessary to change our way of being in the world.

This means Leave the obsession with control and possession What surrounds us and accepts, without resentment, the unavailability of a world that confronts us and floods us, the sociologist concludes.

Learn to say no

Although there are no simple solutions to tackle the lack of timeThere are strategies and management techniques This can help to restore and improve a sense of control. Even simple techniques, such as Prepare lists forThey can be useful.

The use of these tools increases the Checking perceptionAnd some studies in neuroscience indicate that the greater this perception, the lower the impact of cortisol on the nervous system.

Promote resilience Through sportHe doctrine and the Social activity: The practice of Physical activity thirty minutes a day outside; the Meditation and Fully consciousness (Mindfulness); the cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce activity in the amygdala; A Dream and a break suitable for the Emotional balance; A Healthy food and healthy habits (Avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and sugar), and Social support In the family, friends or community, to release oxytocin. And more importantly: you have to learn to say no.