The Third Sustainability and Solar Energy Report confirms this: ground-based photovoltaic projects are a haven for biodiversity

The independent environmental consultancy EMAT has presented the main conclusions of the study III Sustainability and solar energy report 2024 at the Sustainability and Photovoltaic Plants Conference, organized by An F in the Congress of Deputies. EMAT notes that the photovoltaic projects they house biodiversity, especially the presence of birds, highlighting some steppe birds of particular interest, such as the curlew, the roller, the owl, the kestrels (common and small) and the red-breasted nightjar. The flyover of the sandgrouse and a remarkable presence of birds of prey (vultures, eagles, kites, harriers, hawks, owls, etc.) have also been observed.

The Seals of Excellence in Sustainability were awarded during the conference An Fthe ground-breaking instrument worldwide that recognizes good practices in environmental and social integration of the world solar energyup to 26 new photovoltaic projects. The event, which was inaugurated by the Secretary of State for the Environment and by the President of the Congress of Deputies, consisted of three spaces for debate and dialogue bringing together representatives of the Congress of Deputies, the Junta de Extremadura and the Junta of Andalusia. and Generalitat Valenciana; mayors of several municipalities and more than 20 experts from the most important environmental organizations and businesses of the solar energy in Spain.

The Spanish Photovoltaic Unionmajority sector association of the solar energy in Spain today organized the II Conference on Sustainability and Photovoltaic Installations, in which the most important results of the III Sustainability and solar energy report who developed the independent environmental consultants EMAT


This report collects the results obtained in 2023, after the research conducted by TO BUY with the aim of evaluating the existing biodiversity indifferent photovoltaic solar installations, with the main indicator being the birds. They participated in this third study ground-based solar energy projects with different ages and locationswhere fieldwork and data collection were conducted between months of April to June 2023.

The data obtained from the third edition of the report shows that photovoltaic installations can achieve this enable equal and even greater diversity with that of their environment or with that of the site itself before installation, since, due to the surface area they occupy and through adequate design and management of the project, they have a “haven for biodiversity.”

Ground-based solar projects are a haven for biodiversity

EMAT notes for the third consecutive year that these projects mainly provide a home for the presence of birds, highlighting some steppe areas of particular importance, such as the curlew, the roller, the owl, the kestrels (common and small), the red-necked nightjar. In the studies conducted, the overflight of the Ganga Ortega which takes advantage of the corridors that allow these plants to feed and a remarkable presence, normally in flight, but also during perching or feeding, of birds Birds of prey (vultures, eagles, kites, harriers, hawks, owls, etc.).

He Sustainability and solar energy report concludes that there is no doubt that, once the photovoltaic installation is in operation, it space is suitable for the presence of quite a few species of birds, invertebrates and other vertebrates. To the conditions of the habitats generated within the project it is added as an incentive for the presence of species rest j absence of other effects derived from human activity “shrines” for the biodiversity during the time the installation is in operation.

UNEF conference on sustainability and solar energy

The Sustainability and Solar Energy Conference, which took place in the Congress of Deputies and which was attended by more than 200 personas, It has also had the participation of Hugo MoránState Secretary for the Environment and Francina Armengol, President of the Congress of Deputies; as well as representatives of the Congress of Deputies, Extremadura jointthe Junta of Andalusia and the Generalitat Valencianamayors of various municipalities and more 20 experts from the main environmental organizations and businesses in the field of solar energy in Spain.

“We are witnessing the increase in solar energy, which really shows the pace energy transition in our country and presents us with an unavoidable challenge, namely to integrate this process into our daily lives, to face the climate and environmental emergency, which is not a future threat, but a threat that exists alongside us exists,” says Hugo Morán. State Secretary for the Environment.

“The climate challenge forces us to adapt our society and our life model. Considering this situation, the renewable energyand in particular the solar energyoffer Spain a unique opportunity and we must tackle this challenge with administrative commitment, with public-private partnerships and with a shared commitment to what is a country project. The effort of An F “By opening these spaces to dialogue and debate, they contribute significantly to achieving a fair energy transition,” emphasizes Francina Armengol, President of the Congress of Deputies.

“It is no coincidence that the event is taking place here today. By An FWe have always believed in one energy transition inclusive, a country project in which all people, regions, companies and institutions are fundamental and must work hand in hand to complete a path on which the future of all citizens depends,” emphasizes Rafael Benjumea, President of An Fduring the opening of the event.

«We have a perfect formula to create one fair energy transition: more hours of sunshine than the rest of the countries around us, land available and fully compatible with other economic activities, as well as leading companies in photovoltaic technology. A competitive advantage that has already become a real lever for transformation: that will only happen in 2022 solar energy In Spain they employed 197,383 people,” Benjumea recalls.

Solar Energy: UNEF Seal of Excellence in Sustainability

During the conference, the UNEF 2024 Seals of Excellence in Sustainability a twenty-six new ground-based solar energy projects because of the high standards of social and environmental integration to which it belongs Ibox Energy, Aquila Clean Energy, Esparity Solar, Enel, Iberdrola and Recurrent Energy.

Currently, 39 solar energy projects have achieved the target UNEF Seal of Excellence in Sustainabilitywhich shows that sustainability and solar energy Not only are they not in conflict with each other, but they are complementary and need each other to successfully progress on the path of the future energy transition.

The seal of excellence in sustainabilitycreated by An F in 2020 at the good practices of the Spanish photovoltaic sectorstrengthens the commitment of the national photovoltaic sector with a energy transition durable.

“It’s been three years An F “We developed the Seal of Excellence in Sustainability, the first certification worldwide that has become a repository of good practices for the comprehensive management of the sustainability of photovoltaic installations and has already achieved 39 projects in our country,” recalls Rafael.

Three dialogue tables for the ecological and social integration of solar energy projects

During the day they performed three spaces for debate and dialogue who have collected leading experts in the field of solar energywith the most important environmental groups, representatives of the autonomous communities, mayors and civil society actors, to continue making progress towards one in a coordinated and determined manner fair and sustainable energy transitionwhere solar energy plays a leading role.

Environmental processing as a guarantee for the energy transition

In this session, Marta Gomez PalenqueGeneral Director of Quality and Environmental Assessment of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge; Manuel Arguellesgeneral director of Energy and Mines of the Generalitat Valenciana; Juan Diego Requenaspokesperson for the PP energy transition committee; Isabel Maria Pérez, spokesperson for the committee energy transition of the PSOE and Raul Gomez Pintadomayor of Boecillo, have shared their vision and experiences about the environmental processing process that must ensure that all ground-based solar energy projects in our country run smoothly.

The importance of dialogue with citizens for the completion of the energy transition

In this room Attention has been paid to the need to promote social dialogue to achieve the energy transition in Spain, with an emphasis on the strategies and good practices This can be done to involve citizens and increase social responsiveness.

Alipio García Rodríguez, General Director of Energy Transition of the Government of Castile-La Mancha; Manuel LarrasaSecretary General of Energy of the Junta de Andalucía; Eloi Badiaspokesperson for the Sumar Energy Transition Commission; Rosa Melchor Quiraltemayor of Alcázar de San Juan; Secondary casePresident of the Spanish Network for Rural Development and Juan Ignacio Pulgar, Development Director of Aquila Clean Energy Spain, have contributed their knowledge and experiences to this table.

Solar energy: an opportunity for biodiversity

By your participation in the final debate room, Sea Asuncionhead of the WWF Climate and Energy Programme; Gonzalo Torralbodirector of commercial and institutional relations of Recyclia; Santiago Martin Barajasdirector of EMAT, and Erica Moraleshead of Project Sustainability at Statkraft, have come to the conclusion the social and ecological integration of social energy projects It is not just a general reality in the photovoltaic projects but it has become a transformative lever for our country.