An underwater bunker has an enclosed energy. We are talking about 4 MWh to have free electricity. We already saw the concept of ‘free electricity’ latent in photovoltaic ink that produces energy with light bulbs. Although this bunker has the same result, it is a completely different system. Electricity plays a fundamental role in our daily lives, although we often take it for granted.
From the moment our eyes open in the morning, we begin to perform actions that require this good. Illuminating the rooms of a house, heating the house, charging our electronic devices… Everything is necessary energyeverything needs electricity.
In the same vein, electricity is also extremely necessary in the field of healthcare. Hospitals and medical centers depend on it to supply their medical equipment, maintain lighting, maintain adequate air conditioning and ensure the proper functioning of emergency systems.
Imagine getting this energy thanks to an underwater bunker: free electricity!
The underwater bunker we are talking about bears the seal of the Israeli company BaroMar. It’s a storage system energy submarine inside compressed air (CAES) which achieves an efficiency of up to 70%. It is distinguished by its underwater tanks.
Jacobshand in hand with BaroMarhas launched a revolutionary proposal: creating the preliminary design of a data storage system energy large-scale and long-term underwater. For the time being, this is a pilot project on the coast of Cyprus. It represents a transformation in the field of energy sustainable, which provides a practical and scalable application. A simple, efficient, profitable and environmentally friendly solution.
The method is based on the use of mature technologies energy and marine systems, combined with the hydrostatic pressure of seawater. This allows you to reduce installation costs and achieve the lowest possible levelized cost of storage (LCOS).
The goal is to obtain a full cycle efficiency of up to 70%. Thus, it becomes a reliable solution to meet the challenges posed by intermittent renewable sources such as energy wind and solar energy, and their high infrastructure costs.
How does the underwater bunker that stores energy work?
The 4 MWh pilot project is based on the storage of compressed air in rigid tanks anchored to the seabed. These tanks are made to withstand the maritime context and the forces of air and water pressure during the installation and use periods.
“This project requires extensive geophysical, geotechnical and bathymetric investigations, surveys, feasibility studies and permits for the installation of tanks at great depths for onshore mechanical and electrical equipment needs to provide resilient, carbon-free clean energy,” the deputy said president of Jacobs, Fiachra O’Clairegaccording to the website Jacobs.
In addition, Yonadav Bubermanager of BaroMardefends the importance of the project: “As the world transitions from fossil fuels for primary energy supply to renewable energy sources, there is an equal need to deliver cost-effective, low-impact storage solutions.”
“The technology of BaroMar It uses excess electricity from the grid and stores it safely below the sea surface so that it can be mobilized when necessary. With its low capital requirements and minimal maintenance, it is a sustainable, environmentally friendly and scalable solution that will strengthen net zero emissions ambitions while providing the world with a secure energy supply in times of energy crisis or unpredictability. “Jacobs’ technical capabilities and background make them an ideal partner to make a transformative impact in the field of sustainable energy storage solutions.”
The underwater bunker that encloses energy It is an important step forward in responding to the growing demand for solutions, a demand that is also met with other inventions, such as the largest wind turbine in history.