The water emergency worsens: these are the municipalities that have more restrictions from today

More than six million Catalans are in the middle of a water emergency silent, facing a critical situation that raises questions about its water future. Let us remember that the water reserve in the reservoirs of the Ter-Llobregat system is decreasing alarmingly, crossing the threshold of 100 hm³, which could also happen in this other place in Spain.

The accelerated decline in water reserves poses serious threats to the region. Additional restrictions resulting from the PES will affect the daily lives of citizens, exacerbating the water crisis. Given this scenario, the question arises of how the affected communities will adapt and what the long-term consequences of this water emergency will be.

Imminent emergency and restrictions affecting millions

This dangerous situation, according to the intriguing Special Drought Plan (PES), generates uncertainty and affects the population. The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) warns about the seriousness of the situation, with only 99.88 hm3 remaining in the vital system that supplies more than 200 Catalan municipalities. Entering this new phase implies greater restrictions, directly impacting more than six million people.


Specifically, it will affect the inhabitants of the 202 municipalities that depend on the Ter-Llobregat system, as well as the 37 that already face a water emergency. The accelerated decline in water reserves poses serious threats to the region. The additional restrictions derived from the PES will affect the daily lives of citizens, exacerbating the water emergency.

Challenges and consequences: What can be expected in the face of this water emergency?

Agriculture, essential for many communities, will face a direct impact that will threaten food production and local economic stability. Emerging water scarcity emerges as a crucial challenge, endangering the subsistence of crops in highly affected areas and the sustainability of agricultural activities.

This scenario poses an unavoidable urgency for the implementation of sustainable solutions that effectively address water management and promote responsible agricultural practices. On the other hand, the impact on the quality of life of citizens will be significant as the water emergency intensifies, as they will be affected in more ways than one.

The lack of water resources will not only affect the availability of food for the affected sectors, but will also influence everyday aspects of citizens, from the supply of water for domestic use to the viability of commercial activities. Faced with this challenge, it is imperative to establish conservation measures that encourage efficient use of water and the adoption of innovative agricultural technologies that minimize dependence on water resourcesthus seeking to guarantee a balance between economic development and environmental preservation.

A look at the most affected places

This troubling panorama reveals the critical situation faced by several localities, including Vilalba Sasserra, Vilanova del Vallès, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Sant Pere de Ribes, Sant Pere de Vilamajor, Sant Vicenç de Montalt, Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, Sant Quirze del Vallès, Sant Pol de Mar, Santa Fe del Penedès, Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Santa Coloma de Cervelló and many more.

This long list of places is already affected by various challenges ranging from environmental problems to economic threats. The extensive strip of affected sites, ranging from small communities to larger cities such as Terrassa and Santa Coloma de Gramenet, highlights the wide geographical extension of the problem in question.

This look at areas at risk from a water emergency underscores the urgency of comprehensively and collaboratively addressing the issues affecting the sustainability and well-being of these placesseeking effective solutions to mitigate negative impacts on these vulnerable communities.