The water reserve Spain is at 51.7% of its total capacity. The reservoirs currently store 28,952 cubic hectometers (hm³) of water, increasing in the last week by 917 cubic hectometers (1.6% of the current total capacity of the reservoirs).
The water reserve by areas is the following according to the MITECO:
- Eastern Cantabrian is at 91.8%
- Western Cantabrian at 70.4%
- Miño-Sil at 63.2%
- Galicia Costa at 71.9%
- Internal basins of the Basque Country at 95.2%
- Duero at 63.8%
- Cut at 56.3%
- Guadiana at 41.1%
- Red, Odiel and Piedras at 76.4%
- Guadalete-Barbate at 27.3%
- Guadalquivir at 34.7%
- Andalusian Mediterranean Basin at 26.9%
- Safe at 18.1%
- Júcar at 47.6%
- Ebro at 72%
- Internal basins of Catalonia at 31.8%
The rainfall has considerably affected the entire peninsula. The maximum occurred in Jerez de la Frontera (A) with 186.3 mm (186,3 l/m²).