The water reserve in Spain today is 28,973 cubic hectometers

The water reserve In Spain it is at 51.7% of its total capacity. The reservoirs currently store 28,973 cubic hectometers (hm³) of water, increasing in the last week by 137 hm³ (0.2% of the total capacity of the reservoirs).

The water reserve by areas is the following according to the MITECO:

  • Eastern Cantabrian is at 86.3%
  • Western Cantabrian at 65.5%
  • Miño-Sil at 55.7%
  • Galicia Coast at 80.8%
  • Internal basins of the Basque Country at 95.2%
  • Duero at 63.6%
  • Cut at 54%
  • Guadiana at 41.2%
  • Red, Odiel and Piedras at 82.5%
  • Guadalete-Barbate at 28.2%
  • Guadalquivir at 35.1%
  • Andalusian Mediterranean Basin at 29.2%
  • Safe at 21.3%
  • Júcar at 49.8%
  • Ebro at 75.5%
  • Internal basins of Catalonia at 33.4%

Precipitation has been very scarce on the Atlantic slope and practically zero on the Mediterranean slope. The maximum occurred in San Sebastián – Donostia with 53.8 mm (53.8 l/m²).

The situation of the basins, in cubic hectometers, is detailed in the attached table:


Eastern Cantabrian 73 63 63 59
490 321 381 342
Miño-Sil 3.030 1.689 2.375 1.830
Galicia Costa 684 553 601 483

Internal basins

from the Basque Country

21 20 17 17
Douro 7.602 4.832 4.508 4.194
Block 11.056 5.971 6.659 5.597
Guadiana 9.538 3.930 2.541 4.324
229 189 139 175
Guadalete-Barbate 1.651 465 240 759
Guadalquivir 8.028 2.817 1.548 3.420
Atlantic Slope 42.402 20.850 19.072 21.200

Mediterranean Basin


343 225 501
Segura 1.140 243 218 365
Júcar 2.846 1.417 1.310 1.258
Ebro 7.802 5.894 4.889 4.818

Internal basins

from Catalonia

677 226 116 423