The world fears a new gold rush that will get out of control: this energy is responsible and white

The whole world is looking for the promising fuel of the future: hydrogen. This has reached such a crucial point that thousands of companies around the world are trying to create and mine this promising form of energy, which offers an extensive list of energy benefits, but this endless search is disturbing a large number of people.

The promising futuristic fuel the world is looking for

The energy sector, like many others, is making rapid progress in the fight against climate change climate change. This is due to its devastating effects that are present all over the world. As many know, this phenomenon is fueled by environmental pollution that is emitted day after day, i.e. harmful greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emitted mainly in the automotive industry.

To reduce this harmful greenhouse gases Coming from the automotive sector, a new fuel is first needed that makes it possible to forget about fuels of fossil origin, which appear to be highly polluting, scarce in the world and extremely expensive. This creates the possibility of using hydrogen as fuel.

As many know, hydrogen is in huge demand due to its great energy benefits, in addition to being one of the most abundant components available in nature, especially in large underground reservoirs that can be exploited and used to provide energy supplies for many years.

These are the different types of hydrogen

It is important to remember that hydrogen can be classified according to the way it is produced, with a different color assigned to it depending on the method of production, extraction and also its use. This classification system allows us to identify whether the process of obtaining hydrogen causes a high level of environmental pollution or whether it is more respectful of the environment.


This is how the green and white hydrogen it attracts the attention of the entire energy market. Primarily, green hydrogen is hydrogen produced through an extensive process that separates water into two components: hydrogen and oxygen. This would be done through a process called water electrolysis, which involves the supply of renewable energy from wind or photovoltaic energy sources.

On the other hand, the White hydrogen is characterized by being the purest of the entire market. This is because white hydrogen is distributed in large underground reservoirs, and the same hydrogen that, if used correctly, could power a large part of the population for many years.

This company has been trying to extract hydrogen for centuries

An innovative company called Ellis has spent many years researching and conducting a study that specifically describes its amazing findings regarding the promising hydrogen of the future: white hydrogen. Although this study has not yet been published by the authors’ company, it is reported that access to this promising form of energy will not be easy.

According to information collected during an interview with the Financial timesassured the company that extracting all the hydrogen could be a real challenge, but it could still be possible to obtain enough energy to meet expected demand for hundreds of years. In other words, we would talk about it 500 million tons annually.

These types of studies represent the great commitment of hundreds of companies around the world who are continuously trying to find a solution to the major energy crisis currently being experienced.