Water is increasingly at the center of global tensions, between climate change, demographic growth and economic interests. The hydro-strategy becomes crucial: those who control water resources holds power, while governments and industries seek sustainable solutions to avoid water crises and future conflicts. Conference in Assisi on the occasion of the World Water Day
Laudato yes, mi ‘lord, for deaf water, which is very useful and humile and pretiosa and caste
St. Francis
On the occasion of the World Water Daynext March 22, 2025, AB Aqua, the first Think Tank in Italy of Idro-Strategia promoted the conference “Assisi 2025. Water as a tool for dialogue and cooperation between peoples. A change of perspective for peaceful coexistence “.
L’water has always been a fundamental resource For the survival of civilizations, but today more than ever it takes on a central role in global geopolitical and economic dynamics.
The concept of hydro-strategy refers precisely to the set of policies and strategies adopted for the management, control and distribution of water resources, a theme that closely affects governments, businesses and local communities.
In a world marked by climate change and the increase in the population, water has become a lever of power. The great water infrastructures – such as dams, basins and canals – are no longer just development tools, but can turn into geopolitical weapons in the hands of those who control them.
This is the case of international tensions linked to the Nilo river, where the construction of the Ethiopian rebirth dam has triggered a hard confrontation with Egypt and Sudan. But the same goes for Tiger and Euphrates, the large waterways that cross Turkey, Syria and Iraq, becoming a terrain of clash between water needs and political interests.
Invest in new technologies
Alongside the global balance, the hydro-strategy is also declined on a local scale, where the urgency of managing water in a sustainable way is pushing governments and companies to invest in new technologies. Desalinization, recycling of waste water and intelligent irrigation systems are just some of the solutions adopted to cope with water scarcity, which in many areas of the world threatens agriculture and food safety.
Even the economy is affected by water -related dynamics. The industries that depend strongly on water use, such as textiles and manufacturing, are rethinking their processes to reduce the consumption and environmental impact. In the meantime, the public management of water resources raises crucial questions: should the water be considered a common good or a goods? Does the privatization of water services bring benefits or does it risk penalizing the weakest bands of the population?
In a context in which access to water is no longer guaranteed everywhere and its value grows exponentially, hydro-strategy represents a crucial challenge for the future of the planet. The ability to plan a fair and sustainable use of blue gold will be decisive for political stability, economic development and the quality of life of the next generations.
Water a resource to build a future of shared peace and prosperity
A very precious element like water must no longer constitute a reason for division and conflict, but, on the contrary, to become more and more a resource to be managed jointly in the international community, to build a future of pace and shared prosperity.
During the conference, in the presence of numerous and important speakers and professionals, the prospects of the role that the water is intended to take on the complex international scenario in multiple sectors will be analyzed.
«The organization of this conference – says the president of AB Acqua Filippo Verre – It represents a moment of particular importance after 4 years of intense activity. The hydro-strategy, a matter of which we deal with and increasingly at the center of the public debate, deserves to be studied, in-depth and widespread as much as possible, also in light of the difficult environmental and geopolitical contingencies that distinguish these uncertain times “.
The President of the Umbria Region Stefania Proietti, Roberto Natali, co -founder and executive director of AB Acqua and Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, presented the meeting.
So, Pietro Sebastiani, ambassador of Italy and Lumsa University Africa Center manager who will talk about water as “Indispensable fire of international cooperation “; Fausto Pocar, jurist and emeritus professor of the University of Milan, with the intervention entitled Aristotle with water. Àriston men hýdōr ei diritti dell’ambiente ”.
Then after Luciano Bozzo, associate professor of the University of Florence with “Everything arose from water: reflections on international water and politics” and Sonia Filippazzi, journalist and presenter of Radio Rai, with “Chronicle in drops: testimonies on water through the radio”.
Appointment on March 22, 2025, from 10 to 13, inside the press room of the sacred convent of San Francesco in Assisi, city, symbol in the world, of peace.