In full energy transition, a country has covered its black Mars. And everything points to this is just the beginning. He Sol It is an important energy source for humans because of the renewable and inexhaustible character. Moreover, it is an abundant type of energy. According to the website of Endesa“If we succeeded in collecting 6% of the solar energy, the energy needs of all humanity could be met.”
For this reason, the rise of solar energy plants worldwide is booming. The global installed capacity has been duplicated over the past three years and reached 1 TW in April 2022. One of the most important benefits of photovoltaic technology is that the facilities are adapting. It is possible to find huge land plants to smaller panels on the roofs of the houses.
The less operated type of solar energy is that with floating sun plants, which are ranked on water surfaces and come as a great alternative to stimulate solar energy in areas with little available country. This type of solar panels can be determined on any water surface: from the sea to lakes, drinking water deposits, prey or risk channels.

The sea receives unexpected guests: it is the start of a new energy age
In this context, Asian countries have seen solar panels in a new and efficient business form. According to the predictions of Wood MackenzieThe global floating market will increase to 77 GW installed capacity by 2033. In particular, China It currently has a solar capacity that exceeds more than 700 GW, so this trend is increasing.
Also countries like India one Indonesiathere Asia You have many opportunities to lead this new thriving sector. The opening to Mars Open is encouraged by the search for areas without space restrictions, resulting in the installation of large -scale solar parks.
For his part, China The connection of the electricity network with floating solar facilities began in the open sea, such as 1 GW in Filthy. In addition, the favorable conditions of solar radiation and building support are supported by government policy. Another striking project that follows this line is that of the state -owned company Huaneng groupwho installed the first photovoltaic marine platform file that was resistant to sea waves.
In the meantime, Spain continues with the divided “heart” among those who see floating solar panels as a good option and those who don’t.
The sea covers black in China: it can be the solution that humanity was looking for so much
China Under this frame, he has established a precedent with the elimination of the largest tanning factory in the Mars. Due to the black color of the solar panels, we can do that the Mars Black This initiative has been managed by the state -owned company CHN Energy Investment Groupinternationally known as China EnergyA whole icon of the global energy transition.
The distinctive feature is the ability to integrate energy generation with fish farm, which optimizes the use of the maritime zone. If it is in a marine area, it must have important challenges for innovative solutions in engineering and technology for its optimum and sustainable long -term operation.
The Sea of China is covered with black: it can serve as an example for other parts of the world
Located in the province Shandong, in the Kenli districtThis photovoltaic marine factory is one of the most ambitious projects in the renewable sector. The coastal distance to the coastal city of FilthyAbout eight kilometers, it makes an efficient connection possible with the national electricity grid.
The installation extends to an area of 1223 hectares, the equivalent of the dimension of an impressive mountain covered with solar panels. The production capacity reaches 1.78 GWh per year, although it currently works on a smaller scale while the systems are being adjusted and the performance has been optimized.
To provide appropriate support for its structure, 2934 solar panels have been installed on steel posts designed to withstand extreme climatic conditions and exposure to salt water. Each platform has dimensions of 60 meters long by 35 meters wide, which guarantees stability and efficiency when catching solar energy.
Yes okay Asia leads the race in this coverage of the MarsOther countries take their example and explore the great potential of floating solar panels. For example, the Alps are already covered with solar panels.