This 5,000-year-old material is the savior of solar panels: experts warn “it’s not a good idea”

A 5,000-year-old material could save humanity solar panelsbut experts warn that “it’s not a good idea.” It represents a true revolution that some are already comparing to the unspeakable material used by the United States. The solar panels They have their reason to produce electricity from the sun’s energy. By using them it is possible to supply energy to a house or even a city, depending on the size of the installation.

It is even possible to use the solar panels along with battery storage to disconnect them from the grid. Solar technology can provide the user with energy where he needs it. When you think solar panels Normally the mind wanders to crystalline photovoltaic panels made with silicon solar cells. These photovoltaic cells are the element that generates electricity from the sun’s rays.

Because of their effectiveness and reach, energy sector companies and experts are working to bring new solar panels to the market with even more effective formulas than usual. It is the case of A 5,000 year old material that can take panels to the next level. While some believe this is the best idea, others say it is better to continue as before.

Solar panels with silver: something that has never been seen in the sector

The popularity of solar panels that has resulted silver shoots up in price. More and more users and companies are using these energy tools, which is also increasing the number of manufacturers. In this line it is necessary to obtain various, sometimes scarce, metals. Under these circumstances, a historically valuable material becomes an inveterate ally of solar technology.

In early 2024, prices rose more than 30%, surpassing $31 per ounce (troy), 31.103 grams in the metric system. The triggers seem to be industrial demand (especially for solar panels) and a supply shortage. Looking ahead, predictions predict that the price will continue to rise.

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Comparing the price to 2019, we see a clear increase, with the 2019 price being around $14 per ounce. The increase has been clearly visible over the past five years. A few months ago it was even around 27.32 euros, although it is still no higher than other much more expensive materials such as iridium or palace. It should be noted that the latter doubles the amount of gold.

Solar panels and silver, the merger that the energy sector does not fully believe in

The demand for silver has experienced one increase in photovoltaic energy and the automotive sectorbecause it is a conductive material for electric charge. Its value has skyrocketed due to the lack of production and the recent interest rate cut. USAas there is not enough money to meet the high demand. However, this has not posed a significant problem for the solar industry.

Dependence on silver is one of the key challenges facing the food industry. solar panels past. Because demand is growing, it was decided to look for a replacement that could be more stable and sustainable. For now, the levy has shown good results in a project, but its behavior in industrial application remains to be verified.

One of the systems to recover money from solar panels It is through recycling. It is possible to recycle silver without compromising the efficiency of the panel. In addition, there is a new method that can recover up to 99% of the silver contained in a solar piece. Until these solutions hit the market, silver will continue to grow.

It is 5000 year old material It is seen as the salvation of the solar panels currently, but experts are looking for new alternatives to implement in the long term. A goal that a country is trying to achieve with the use of this remarkable material in solar panels.