This country has broken a world record in wind energy: this is the longest blade in the world, as tall as a skyscraper

The wind force It is, together with solar energy, one of the most profitable in ecological and economic terms. That is why more and more countries are innovating to get the most out of it. One of them just broke a real record with a wind turbine blade as tall as a skyscraper. Did you think it was possible? Everything is aimed at preventing Japan from making the bad decision regarding nuclear power plants.

Will wind energy save us from global warming? The figures show yes

In the search for solutions to global warming, wind energy has emerged as a key factor. Last year, the world wind farm more than 900,000 megawatts installed capacity, the third best year in history.

The figures reveal the urgent need for clean and affordable energy, as well as the quest for energy independence and security in the world. China, the United States, Brazil, Germany and Sweden led the wind revolution in 2023, installing more than 77 GW worldwide.


The plans of the United States comprise more than 55,000 megawatts over the next five years, while Canada will also contribute to the sustainable momentum. The innovation of high-capacity smart batteries, such as lithium iron phosphate batteries, paves the way for effective wind energy storage.

The wind turbine blade that measures like a skyscraper: a megalithic project in the 21st century

Sany Renewable Energy has raised the bar in wind energy by introducing the world’s longest onshore turbine blade, a colossal structure of 131 meters designed for 15MW turbines. The challenge of making longer knives has been overcome through innovative manufacturing techniques and technologies.

In this sense, it guarantees the resistance and efficiency needed to power the next generation of wind turbines. The key behind this technical achievement is a thicker airfoil with a blunt trailing edge, which optimizes the airfoil layout and improves the efficiency of the wind energy blades.

This ultra-large fiberglass blade is not only compatible with various wind turbine models, but is also designed to withstand extreme conditions in arid and desert areas. Can you imagine how everything could change? As you can see, this innovation comes, again, thanks to the turnout.

How does it work and how much energy can this mega shovel produce?

The 131-meter-long blade will be combined with Sany Heavy Energy’s 15 MW onshore wind turbines, marking a milestone in China’s wind industry. Design improvements They increased factory efficiency by 20% and have reduced the construction time of the blades, demonstrating its ability to innovate.

The innovation is not just limited to the dimensions, as the use of recycled polyurethane improves the recyclability of the blades at the end of their life. In addition, Sany has developed tailor-made lightning protection, crucial to guarantee the reliability of the blades in areas prone to thunderstorms.

The shovel, that one It is part of a 216 meter rotor, sets new standards in the wind industry and even exceeds the dimensions of recognized football stadiums. Before final deployment, these blades are extensively tested, ensuring their strength and performance.

As you can see, the wind force It seems to be consolidating itself as the renewable energy that will take us to the sustainable future we all want. However, there’s still a problem they haven’t been able to solve (and we don’t think they will anytime soon). What about your own consumption? To do this we only have solar energy, with solutions like these that will make you forget about the electricity bill.