This is the first photovoltaic sun blinds for your home: 131% efficient and moves independently

The first photovoltaic shutter for home use has surprised the whole world. There is talk of an efficiency of 131% and a solo movement. When solar panels appeared that generate more energy on cloudy days, it seemed like a major discovery, but the technology continues to evolve and surpass itself. Self-consumption of energy is already a reality in many cases, allowing users to obtain the necessary electrical energy at home.

The most commonly used device to carry out this self-consumption are photovoltaic solar panels or other renewable energy production systems. Although solar panels occupy a privileged place in the field of renewable energy, they pose several problems that are impossible to ignore, such as the high production and installation costs, which are often large, heavy and difficult to handle devices.

In short, solar energy is a highly regarded source of renewable and sustainable energy for personal use, but not so much for the use of solar panels. Considering this scenario, solar screens have emerged that play a dual role in energy conservation.


Everything you need to know about the first photovoltaic sun blinds

Researchers from the Tsinghua University and of the Shenzhen University in China have developed the first photovoltaic shutter domestic. They present it as an energy solution without the typical problems of solar panels.

The product consists of integrating solar panels into classic blinds. In this way, the location of the panels is facilitated and contributes to effective energy capture, while at the same time the product provides shade and prevents direct light from entering the home. It is a device specially designed for buildings, rooms with large glass surfaces.

These are interior corners where it was previously unthinkable to install solar panels, only on roofs.

This new type of dynamic facade has the ability to adapt to different weather conditions and improves the comfort thermal and visual of the house. Thanks to kinetic elements integrated into the external walls, this product can obtain automatic or manual control. This control allows the user to control the sunlight, temperature and ventilation of the rooms.

The first photovoltaic shutter changes the way we think about solar panels

The awnings have a motorized slat design with greater flexibility in controlling the position and inclination of the slats. This panorama allows it to stop at any height and rotate between 0° and 90°.

It is a level of control that improves monitoring and optimizes electrical energy production. Regarding this last point, it offers a more flexible response to meteorological changes in the position of the light source.

The creators of the study explain that the implementation of the first photovoltaic shutter in an office building Beijing could supply up to 131% of annual energy consumption. Moreover, it could increase net energy generation by at least 226% compared to other static photovoltaic products.

Solar energy yes, but with photovoltaic sun blinds

Solar energy is a resounding yes if we want to get rid of dependence on fossil fuels. However, solar panels lose weight compared to photovoltaic shutter. Although the panels are climate dependent, require good roofing, take up a lot of space, contain toxic substances and are difficult to move, the panels are photovoltaic shutter seems like the perfect option.

Although it is still early to cash in, the first photovoltaic shutter It could be exactly what we were looking for to focus on solar energy without always thinking about solar panels. But until this technology is fully installed and reaches the heights that the panels have reached, new models of traditional photovoltaic systems will continue to appear.