This is the region that leads in Spain in solar energy and has the highest profitability in Europe

The solar energy It leads to us decarbonizing our economy (although we are going very, very slowly). Spain is one of the countries that will benefit most from it, although today we have discovered something else: the region that will benefit most from this alternative is in our country. However, it is clear that we still have a long way to go to reach the milestone that Iceland has set in the field of sustainable energy.

Spain, a country “blessed” by the sun: the shocking number of annual hours

Did you know that Spain enjoys an annual average of 2800 to 3000 hours of sunshine? This information is no coincidence, as our country has a Mediterranean climate that gives us sunny days and pleasant temperatures. This scenario makes Spain one of the places with the most hours of sunshine in all of Europe.

Naturally, we are among the most favored countries in the south of our continent. As you can see, something positive about the region we are in and which puts us in a better place compared to Germany. Natural news that invites us to take even greater advantage of renewable energy sources as the key to the future.


Solar energy, one of the cleanest and most sustainable renewable sources, is presented as a promising option in this context. However, the number of hours of sunshine varies depending on geographical location and the season of the year the climatic diversity of our provinces.

The epicenter of this energy revolution is in Andalusia, a community that has played a leading role in the transition to renewable energy sources. At the end of 2023, Andalusia multiplied the installed photovoltaic energy for self-consumption by 100 over the past five years, reaching 781 megawatts.

Self-consumption has become a guarantee of profitability for families and businesses connected to the sun, and Andalusia is positioned as a leader in solar energy. Companies in the sector predict profitability between 10% and 15% higher than the national average for the region.

The province of Seville stands out in this panorama with photovoltaic projects under development. In Carmona, Endesa is working on the Dulcinea installation, which can provide the annual energy consumption of 50,000 families. This initiative reflects the region’s commitment to sustainable energy generation.

How is the sun used in this Spanish region?

Andalusia is certainly not lagging behind, but is accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources. The Ecohousing Plan, which provides support for the installation of solar energy systems, has extended its deadline in the region until April 5, 2024. unlike other autonomous communities.

The end of 2023 shows the momentum in the installation of renewable energy sources in Andalusia, with a record of 1,605 new megawatts and a growth of 16% compared to the previous year. The aim is to be a leader in the production of renewable energy sources nationally by the end of the legislature, aiming for 75% to come from clean sources.

This progress translates into a significant increase in investment and job creation associated with the construction of solar power plants. Andalusia not only leads in numbers, but is also projected as a benchmark in the drive for electrical self-sufficiency.

As you can see, the solar energy Not only will it lead our planet to a greener future, it will also help us achieve very high profitability in Spain. The other side of the coin is very different: other countries need to explore alternative sources: for example, this country has just manufactured the first wooden wind turbine, and it is the largest in the world.