Spain is currently one of the countries most interested in leading the transition to more renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. Through an extensive list of energy plans and projects, the country is gradually moving towards achieving its energy target. Now a Spanish region has just found a large supply of that flammable from the future.
The solution to one of the major current energy problems
Many projects have long been aimed at extracting the large amount of energy that we can find beneath the Earth’s crust, especially one that promises great energy and environmental benefits, contributing significantly to the transition to more renewable energy sources.
It is important to remember that high levels of greenhouse gas pollution have caused major problems around the world. Currently, the climate crisis has acquired unprecedented relevance and therefore it is of great importance to realize this a new alternative to replace fossil fuels pollutants such as natural gas, oil and others.
By using more renewable energy sources, we would not only contribute to the… reduction and neutralization of greenhouse gases that amplify climate change, but we would also talk about an easier way to obtain energy, because they are constantly generated and found in large quantities in nature.
Learn everything about the energy that Spain wants to exploit
One of the many companies that is paving its way in this transition to more renewable energy sources is Heliosit would have already foreseen the great success that these energy innovations will have in the future and for this reason it decided to invest a ostentatious amount to generate natural hydrogen in Huesca and other elements that could be extremely beneficial.

The energy project in question must go through a series of phases to be completed. First of all, in the current year the first drillings will begin for the extraction of hydrogen, one of the most promising fuels in recent times, a large reserve of helium, another element that will be exploited in the area.
As for the maneuvers that may be underway, a permit has already been requested from the Ministry of Ecological Transition for the extraction of these elements without the use of fracking. In this project we would talk about the availability of 300 direct jobs and approximately 1,500 indirect jobs that could open within twenty years.
Know the energy objectives of the project
The plan to extract energy stored in Huesca called “Monsoon natural hydrogen” projects a high investment of 900 million euros to extract hydrogen and also the helium available for extraction and exploitation. Not only would this be a major advance for the Spanish region, but the country would also benefit enormously from this achievement.
It is well known that hydrogen as a fuel can be implemented in an extensive list of industries, starting with the automotive sector. This would represent excellent positioning on the part of Spain, as this project will allow the country to export to all parts of the world and position itself as one of the leading countries in the energy transition.
Spain is at the forefront of the energy transition and the company Helios has contributed significantly by discovering a large hydrogen reserve in Huesca, which plans to invest a huge sum of money in extracting it without using fracking. This project will not only create jobs but also help reduce dependence on fossil fuels, making Spain a leader in the sector.