This Sunday the 22nd the hot and dry autumn 2024 begins

It is domingo 22 starts the warm y dry autumn 2024: dFrom Sunday, September 22, we will lose an average of 4 minutes of sun. Once started autumnwe will have to wait more than a month for the traditional time change.

He astronomical autumn 2024 in the northern hemisphere will begin next Sunday, September 22 at 2:44 p.m.-official peninsular time-, and will last 89 days and 21 hoursuntil December 21, the day on which the winter.

The beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere it is marked by the equinox, the instant when the Earth passes through the point in its orbit from which the center of the Sun crosses the celestial equator in its apparent movement towards the south; On the day this happens, the length of day and night practically coincide.

The new station more is expected dry and warm than usual, according to Aemet. According to their forecasts, there would be a 70% chance that autumn 2024 in Spain would be warmer than usual, compared to a 10% chance that it would be colder. In the northwest of the peninsula and in the Canary Islands, the probability would be 60%.

The time change will be from October 26 to 27

Once started autumnwe will have to wait more than a month for the traditional time change, which will take place during the early hours of October 26 to 27. That night the clock will go from three to two and Spain will return to winter time, which will remain until March 30, when the clock will go forward and return to summer time.

Although it may seem like a small question, every year many people ask the same question:You have to turn the clock back or forward? The answer is simple: In the case of winter time, it is delayed one hour. Therefore, When 3:00 in the morning arrives it will be 2:00 again.which many will appreciate, since they will have an extra hour to sleep.

It is at this time that summer time will be changed to winter time, a measure that is followed throughout the European Union with the aim of optimizing the use of natural light. Brussels regulates the summer time period (between the end of March and the end of October) through a directive “by setting a common date and time for the beginning and end of the applicable summer time period.” throughout the Community.” Spain has already scheduled the dates of the changes until at least 2026.

In this Ministerial Order you can consult the dates on which the summer time period is expected to begin and end until that year.

How does the time change affect us?

Sleep disorder specialists warn that changing time zones can have harmful effects. According to the Spanish Sleep Society (SES), any time change implies a period of adaptation and this is the reason why it was chosen to make the transition at dawn. However, this attempt to minimize its consequences is not entirely effective.

«The change in time, even if it is only for an hour, alters sun exposure time and unbalances the internal clockwhich takes several days to readjust,” explains the institution.

However, according to the SES, winter time is the least harmful of the two we use annually, because “by turning the time back we adjust the biological clock to the environmental clock of natural light.” Winter time would facilitate more hours of sleep and a more natural awakening that coincides with dawn, promoting “a more stable biological rhythm.”

Practical tips to adapt to the time change

Although winter time change is better tolerated than winter timebecause The body has less difficulty adapting to a 25-hour day than to a 23-hour are a series of tips that may be useful to you.

Get up earlier on Sunday, keep the dinner schedule and eat legumes, nuts, oats and products rich in vitamin C such as oranges or strawberrieshelp the body adapt to the new time change. Specialists also recommend:

  • Gradually adjust your sleep schedule a few days before the change.
  • Expose yourself to sunlight in the morning to help regulate your internal clock.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed.
  • Avoid using screens before bed.
  • Maintain a regular sleeping and eating routine.