This tile generates free energy in the house: it is as if there are solar panels everywhere on the floor

The tile that generates free energy at home It is the new revolution in the sector. It’s like having solar panels everywhere on the ground. It attracts as much attention as the solar panels that fold themselves. It should be noted that solar panels are devices designed to capture the energy solar energy and converts it into electricity or heat. They consist of several solar cells that work with the photovoltaic effect or heat transfer. Depending on the technology used and the purpose pursued, they can be divided into two categories: photovoltaic and thermal. We could even talk about a third: hybrids, which combine both.

Photovoltaic solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity. They consist of photovoltaic cells, usually made of silicon, which produce an electric current when exposed to sunlight. They also have sub-types depending on the technology they use. On the one hand, monofacial (captures sunlight on one side) or bifacial (captures light on both sides) and monocrystalline or polycrystalline.

To choose the right solar panel, it is crucial to analyze how much energy is necessary and for what purpose. Since it is such a relevant technology in the energy field, several experts and companies in the sector are working hard to bring new effective proposals to the market in other formats. This is how the tile is generated free energy at homea product that is equivalent to having solar panels over the entire ground.

Energy-generating tile: the product that is equivalent to the use of solar panels

Pavegen systems It is the revolutionary project that allows you to say goodbye to lost steps. Every day man wastes a large part of the energy of course it produces. However, if we take a small portion of the energy If we were to use its power and conserve, we would find surprising results. That was the idea that came to my mind Laurence Kemball Cook in 2009, as he watched the crowds walking past the train station London.

So, Kemball Cook He studied industrial design at the University of Amsterdam Loughborough University (United Kingdom)but he had the courage to implement a project that collects the power of each step and converts it into ecological electricity. He patented this technology based on the development of tiles that can produce and store energy when walked on.

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The first pieces generated by Pavegen systemshis company, were rectangular in shape and had dimensions of 45 x 60 centimeters. The new triangular prototypes take advantage of their design to mount more efficient generators than the original ones in the corners. “Our goal is to produce electricity where it is needed,” he said. Laurence Kemball Cookas recorded Medium.

The tiles undergo a slight subsidence of 5 millimeters, which is barely noticeable to passers-by who walk over them. According to this company, each step on this product creates between 7 and 8 watts of power, enough for 12 tiles at maximum load to generate the light needed by the public street lighting on two streets.

This energy-generating tile is made of piezoelectric elements and covered with recycled materials energy It’s waterproof. In addition, it is resistant to snow and ice. The available models have a lifespan of 5 years, although the goal is for them to reach 20 years.

As if there were solar panels on the ground: the revolution of the energy-generating tile

“In a few years we will be able to light the streets in our path, or make a football stadium self-sufficient, or control the departure of our train on an electronic board powered by our own footsteps,” its creator predicts. The system is designed for use in places with a large influx of people: shopping centers, train stations, airports, schools, festivals and much more.

This energy-generating tile is at the heart of the energy transition energy It plays a crucial role, even more than conventional solar panels. Another revolutionary product that follows the development line of energy It is this sphere that concentrates even the light of the moon and could become solar panels’ worst nightmare.