Today the Spanish Water Reserve ‘Brza’ 61%

The Hydrological information is the basis for hydrological planning and water resources management of the country. In this area, Spain has a great tradition in obtaining and management of hydrological information.

The Water reserve is the whole water stored both in surface waters (reservoirs and swamps) and in groundwater (aquifers and wells). The reservoir water depends on the rainfall, the storage capacity of each place and the amount extracted for certain uses (supply, agricultural or industrial ones).

Water reserve today

The Spanish water reserve is 60.9% of its total capacity. The reservoirs current (2.9% of the current total capacity of reservoirs).

The reservation by areas is as follows:

  • Eastern Cantabrian is 82.2%
  • Western Cantabrian at 75.3%
  • Miño-Sil at 73.6%
  • Galicia Costa at 83.2%
  • Internal basins of the Basque Country to 95.2%
  • 73% Duero
  • 67.5%
  • Guadiana at 51%
  • Red, Odiel and 94.3% stones
  • Guadalete-Barbate at 35.2%
  • Guadalquivir at 43.2%
  • Andalusian Mediterranean Basin at 38.6%
  • Safe at 22.5%
  • 55% Júcar
  • Ebro at 80%
  • Internal Basins of Catalonia at 32.1%

Precipitation has been abundant throughout the peninsula. The maxim has occurred in Navacerrada with 298.8 mm (298,8 l/m²)

The situation of the basins, in cubic hectometers, is detailed in the attached table: