Transparent solar panels for agro-food crops: new and revolutionary research

A group of scientists from the United Kingdom have made significant progress in the field of the agrivoltaic sector innovative practice that combines agriculture with the exploitation of solar energy to use panels solar.

This technique makes it possible to use the same land for both production agricultural crops and for the simultaneous generation of photovoltaic energy. The latest study investigates how you can benefit from the filtered light panels transparent to provide various benefits to crops and optimize energy production.

The team at Swansea University’s Department of Physics have developed an innovative tool: ‘Photovoltaic Performance Simulator’ (PV-Sim)available online as free software. This tool allows you to predict the light transmission, absorption and energy production of different photovoltaic materials, using geographical, physical and electrical measurements.

Solar panels to optimize the agrivoltaic sector

Austin Kay, lead author of the study and PhD candidate at Swansea University, said: “This technology, which allows us to compare multiple types of photovoltaic materials, could help us balance food production and renewable energy generation.”

A crucial factor in optimizing agricultural voltaic systems is the selection of PV material, which requires a detailed understanding Each material absorbs different wavelengths (colors) of light. Greater absorption indicates that the material can capture high-energy light with shorter wavelengths (blue), while more specific absorption allows it to capture light with longer wavelengths (red) and lower energy.

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By carefully choosing photovoltaic materials with specific absorption properties, researchers can do this Adjust the “color” of the light passing through the semi-transparent panelswhich benefits crops that mainly use red and blue light for photosynthesis.

The work also explores the thermodynamic limits of the panels organic solar photovoltaics (OPV) and their potential as agrivoltaic devices. Improvements in the morphological, energetic and kinetic properties of OPV materials, including reduction of energetic disorder and non-radiative recombination, continue to drive ever-improving performance, with energy conversion efficiency reaching 20% ​​in recent years.

The modular optical properties of OPVs make them ideal for coupling to specific crops in agrivoltaic applications. In addition, photovoltaic panels based on perovskites They share similar characteristics, which also makes them promising for photovoltaic agriculture.

Ardalan Armin, associate professor, adds: “Optimizing the combination of solar panels and agriculture has potential make a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the agricultural sector. This approach not only produces clean energy, but also improves food security.”

Loose Photovoltaic solar panels installed on agricultural land provide several benefits for crops. The shade it provides panels It protects plants from excessive sun exposure, reduces water evaporation and creates a more stable environment for their growth. Furthermore, the panels They help reduce soil temperature, thereby creating favorable conditions for plants even in periods of intense heat.

This function is particularly valuable in the context of climate changebecause it improves crop resilience, maintains agricultural production and reduces water use and the transmission of pests and diseases.

Loose semi-transparent and lightweight panels can also be integrated into ceilings and walls from protected environments, such as advanced greenhouses, to supply electrical power to climate control systems.

In this way the agrivoltaic systems can meet the challenge of sustainably feeding the growing world population in the face of extreme weather events, land scarcity and shrinking resources, while energy production increases.

According to a study by the European Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC), covering just 1% of the European Union’s agricultural land with agrivoltaic systems could lead to an installed capacity of around 944 GW in direct current (DC). ), exceeding the 2030 targets (720 GW) of the European Solar Energy Strategy.

The JRC study proposes a series Recommendations to promote and accelerate the expansion of agricultural voltaic systemsincluding financial support, simplification of permitting and grid connection procedures, research and development programs and pilot projects.

Furthermore, it is essential to involve rural communities in the planning and decision-making process, raising their awareness of the benefits of agricultural voltaic systems, such as their potential to generate clean energy and increase agricultural productivity and contribute to sustainable rural development.

Collaboration by Carmen Corrado