The water reserve Spanish is at 58.3% of its total capacity. The reservoirs current (4.0% of the current total capacity of reservoirs).
The water reserve by areas according to the MITECO is the following:
- Eastern Cantabrian is 86.3%
- Western Cantabrian at 80.4%
- Miño-Sil at 75.1%
- Galicia Costa at 92.3%
- Internal basins of the Basque Country 100%
- Duero at 72.5%
- 64.6%
- Guadiana at 46.6%
- Red, Odiel and 92.1% stones
- Guadalete-Barbate at 29.4%
- Guadalquivir at 39.4%
- 29% Andalusian Mediterranean Basin
- Safe at 20.6%
- Júcar at 51.3%
- Ebro at 78.2%
- Internal Basins of Catalonia at 32.1%
Precipitation has considerably affected the entire peninsula. The maxim has occurred in Vigo (a) with 76.4 mm (76,4 l/m²).