Welcome autumn 2024, it will be drier and warmer than usual

Welcome the autumn 2024: andThis Sunday we will welcome the autumn which will begin at 2:44 p.m., peninsular time. On October 27, the clocks will have to be turned back one hour.

He autumn astronomical is the season of the year located between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. In the northern hemisphere the autumn It takes place between September 22-23 and December 21-22. While in the southern hemisphere it runs from March 20-21 to June 20-21.

The autumn season It begins on the day when the Sun rises just in the east and sets just in the west. The astronomical phenomenon that begins it is the equinox of autumn. Just a few days later the day occurs when you have exactly the same number of hours in the day as you do in the night.

This year, autumn begins September 22 at 2:44 p.m.peninsular time, and will be received by the planets Venus and Saturnafter sunset, and Mars and Jupiterat dawn. On the other hand, time will welcome you with abundant rains in the north and northeast and with a fresh atmosphere in almost the entire country.

The autumn seasonfrom September to December, is expected drier and warmer than usual in a large part of the peninsula and both archipelagos, according to the Aemet forecast. Temperatures will tend to be below normal for the season in much of the country, except in the eastern peninsula and the Balearic Islands, where they may be somewhat higher than usual.

How long will autumn 2024 last and what do we know about the equinox?

From the point of view of astronomy, autumn will last 89 days and 21 hoursto end on December 21 with the beginning of winter, according to the National Astronomical Observatory (National Geographic Institute).

In the northern hemisphere, the beginning of the season is defined by the moment in which the Earth passes through the point of its orbit from which the Sun crosses the celestial equator towards the south. The day this happens, the duration of the day and night almost coincidecalling this event the autumn equinox.

Twice a yearonce in March and once in September, an equinox divides the Earth’s day almost in half, giving us roughly a 12 hours of light and 12 hours of night. We also have to take into account that, as autumn begins in the northern hemisphere, in the South begins the spring season.

Venus and Saturn will be the only planets visible

At the beginning of the season and after sunset, Venus and Saturn will be the only planets visiblewhile in November Mercury will be noticeable for a few weeks in the west. At the end of this month, Jupiterthe largest planet in the solar system and the fifth in order of distance from the Sun, will appear in the east.

On the other hand, at dawn you can see Mars and Jupiter throughout the season, while Mercurio will begin to be visible at the end of the autumn season. As for the full moons, these will take place on October 17, November 15 and December 15.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that this autumn the formation of a annular solar eclipse on October 2which can be seen from the Pacific and in South America.

What astronomical phenomena will there be this fall 2024?

Regarding the stars and constellations visible at autumn dusk, the summer triangleformed by Deneb in the Swan, Vega in Lyra and Altair in the Eagle, which will still be visible during the first part of the season, although gradually at a lower altitude above the western horizon.

As the months progress, the constellations of Pegasus, Andromeda and Perseus and at the end of autumn the constellations of Taurus and Orionwhich will reach their maximum splendor on winter nights.

Other astronomical phenomena during this period will be the dragonborn meteor showers whose maximum is expected around October 8, the Orionids, on October 21, the Leonids, on November 17, and the Geminids, on December 4. You can also see of supermoons, one on October 17 and another on November 15.

Things you might not know about autumn

One of the curiosities of this season is that at the beginning of it, the length of day shortens more quickly. Every day the Sun rises in the morning more than a minute later than the day beforeand in the afternoon it gets more than a minute earlier. So the time in which the Sun is above the horizon decreases almost three minutes every day.

And the time change?

Although the European Parliament (EP) and the European Commission (EC) have expressed their support for eliminating time changes in the future, there is still no decision in this regard, so during 2024 it will remain in effect. time change takes effect that take place on last sunday of october. In this way, the October 27at 03:00 in the morning, peninsular time, The clocks will be turned back one hour to read 02:00 in the morning, peninsular time. In the Canary Islands, 2:00 a.m. will become 1:00 a.m.