What is a Biodiversity COP?

The Biodiversity COP is a meeting of interested parties (nations) coming together in a city that acts as host. Participants usually have a list of topics to discuss related to wildlife protection, ocean conservation, the fight against pollution, or the fight against pollution. poaching and the illegal trade of species, among many other issues.

The term “COP” refers to “conference of the parties”. The “parties” are the countries that have signed a particular treaty and a COP is therefore a big summit where all the countries that have signed and are bound by this treaty meet. In this case the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

The The first Earth Summit was held in 1992 and the participating countries signed the Rio Declaration. There it was agreed that legal instruments and instruments would be created to guarantee the protection of the population environment world.


One of these tools is the famous one United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). From this are derived the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement and they are the ones dealing with climate issues. And then there’s the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which aims to preserve the survival of all species.

Just like the UNFCCC, the CBD is unprecedented in the sense that for the first time it provides a legislative framework to protect biodiversity nature on an international scale. Today almost all states, i.e. 196 countries, are part of it. Although the United States signed it, it never ratified it.

If its climate counterpart, the CBD, must hold regular meetings. Representatives of the Member States meet in person to take stock of progress. Moreover, they can change the content of the negotiated texts and set new objectives. These meetings are the famous COPs.

and there is one COP for climate and a COP for biodiversity. And unlike climate COPs, which take place annually, those of Biodiversity They happen every two years. As long as a pandemic does not occur, such as in 2020, which caused all gatherings to be suspended.