Who has a longer life: woman or husband? This report explains it to you

Each Individual is unique and their habits and decisions will depend on whether a healthy life leads or not. One of the factors that influences the life of people is sex, so it lies to ask if it is women or men who live longer.

The Life and duration of life refer to concepts with regard to biology And with the evolution of the cells and organs that are part of the bodies of living beings, and with the transformations experienced with the death of their lives. In the case of humans, the lifespan has important connections with the living conditions that each chooses.

In General has to do with the lives of a person or a biological organism And is used more often in reference to the old age or age of a living being. This depends on many factors of the genetic, environmental, educational type, etc.

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Longeva Life: Male or female

He Report ‘Health and gender in Andalusia 2025’published by the Ministry of Health and Consumption, via the General Directorate of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Planningconcludes that Health assistance with gender approach improves the quality of life of citizens.

The purpose of this report, made by the Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP)To offer an updated situation analysis about the health of the Andalusian adult population, the determinants and their health care to identify the most important inequalities in the field of gender in this area.

According to the data that the report represents, which updates an earlier edition of 2018, In Andalusia, women live on average 5.4 years more than menAlthough with interprovincial differences: the gender gap is maximum in Córdoba (6.1 years) and minimum in Granada and Malaga (4.8 years). At the age of 65, the life expectancy of Andalusian women is more than 3.6 years for men’s.

However, a greater life expectancy is not always accompanied by better health. The phenomenon called ‘gender paradox in health’ or ‘benefit of mortality’ is that women live Many of his extra years with poorer health.

Beside possible Determinants linked to differential biology between the two sexesIt is known that the standards, stereotypes and gender roles are good ways to get sick and die differently in men and womenAs well as differential patterns in healthcare. The Behavior with a higher risk For health with regard to the call ‘Traditional masculinity’ has posted as one of the determinants of the greatest early death in men.

Andalusia: More men in the field

Women are more represented In all Andalusian provinces, except in Almería. There are a larger proportion of men in rural areasWhile women are concentrated in larger municipalities. In general, the demographic trend to the aging of the population remains, being greater in women. Unipersonal households, mainly under the leadership of older women, require specific attention because their number is increased by the population.

The domestic and care scenario is still playing in the leading role Women. The co -freedom continues to exist as a hanging task when looking for equal opportunities, although a male profile that stands out in the care of people with disabilities and adults with care needs, those of advanced men who are retired for their wives.

As healthy habits, More women eating fruit dailyAnd both sexes have more this habit in the early centuries than in the most advanced. Women practice less often than men and their practice is generally reduced by age.

An exception, in the case of walking, men are older than 65 who increase their activity. In women, the ability to spend time on activities such as walking gradually reduces age, which can be related to the performance of their gender roles.

Regarding tobacco consumptionSome positive trends have been registered in the past five years: Daily consumption has descended both men and women and has also increased the average consumption age for both sexes.

A higher percentage of men has stopped smoking, moderate and extreme consumption is lower in women, and the widest gender gap in daily tobacco consumption is between 21 and 24 years, where the percentage of men who smoke every day almost smoking women. The consumption of electronic cigarettes in recent years remains almost unchanged with both sexes.

He Alcohol consumption has increased considerably in recent years And it is more common in men than in women. Men have greater consumption of other drugs (other than tobacco and alcohol), except Tranquilizers, hypnotics and sleeping pills, which are consumed more by women.

Moreover, the report has been tackled in particular by the situation analysis on topics selected for its special relevance in the current health context of Andalusia: mental health, sexual health and reproductive health, migration, disability and gender violence. Finally, the opinions and perceptions of 34 health workers on Sex inex of health care in Andalusia.


The report ‘Health and Gender in Andalusia 2025’ offers recommendations for the analyzed topics, such as the need for Cross with the gender approach in the design, implementation and evaluation of all health policy; The explicit approach of gender stereotypes, and Gender differences in the risks and ways to get sick; and the study of masculinity and health, and specific, To promote the dedication of men for self -care and adoption of healthy habitspaternity and unpaid care or sexual and reproductive health and violence prevention

With regard to healthcare, the report recommends Keep betting on the consciousness and training of professionals To integrate a gender approach into their professional practice; Include the gender perspective in health research and eliminate prejudices; Including the intersectional approach in health information systems, improving a minimum level of breakdown by gender also in relation to other fundamental factors in the analysis of the gender perspective, such as age, social -demographic and social -economic variables, migration processes, disabled and dependency or gender violence.

According to the report, The actions of promotion of health and disability must be designed, taking into account the standards, stereotypes and gender roles that correspond to forms of masculinity That endanger the health of young people and men. Likewise from one Health activa -ModelThose factors that are an asset to women’s health and that can also benefit men’s health.