Wind energy is in trouble again. After the enormous controversy about his disadvantages at sea, he now seems that he will stop being profitable in Spain because the wind speed is decreasing! Is this the end of wind energy?
The terrible climate change
The consequences of climate change are increasingly clear and unhappy, because it now not only causes more extreme temperatures, but the wind speed is also influenced.
According to the various studies, this is clearer in the summer months, but ironically these are the months in which the demand for energy increases.

Unfortunately, it seems that the damage has already been caused, because a recent study has shown that the decrease in wind in the European continent is increasingly clear, which would influence wind production, but also other environmental factors.
Small percentage, major consequences
According to an investigation published in the magazine “Environmental research letters”, It is estimated that the wind speed will be reduced by around 5% between 2021 and 2050.
This of course does not mean that the wind will disappear or that wind farms will stop working. But no matter how small the decrease, this can significantly influence the production of wind energy in countries such as Spain that depend on this source to meet their energy requirements.
According to Gan Zhangresearcher at the University of Illinois Urbano-Champaign, «The energy system represents a marginal market. That means that if you change the margin between 5% and 10%, the price response can be enormous ».
Spain has been gambling on renewable energy sources for quite some time, so every change has a direct influence on its ability to generate sustainable electricity.
Changes in the wind have affected countries and are looking for new adjustment strategies that ensure a more stable offer. But that’s not all! This phenomenon can also change natural ecosystems that cause even more uncertainty.
The wind speed: What will happen in the future?
He Intergovernmental group of experts in the field of climate change (IPCC) has pointed out that it is very likely that the wind speed will continue to fall in the 21st century and If this continues, this can fall to 10%in the year 2100.
On the other hand, recent analysis and simulations say that the speed in other stations of the year could increase, but unfortunately these changes will be more notorious in the second half of the century. That is why experts believe that it is urgent to come up with new adjustment strategies, otherwise we would risk the energy sector!
Spain can still do something
We cannot deny that the situation is a pity and perhaps we cannot change the wind speed, but despite everything, it is essential that governments and companies are looking for new solutions that we can continue to go to cleaner energies.
One of the solutions could be Develop more efficient windologies That, despite the equal decrease, they can generate electricity from the wind. It is also very important that research is promoted, so that we can in a better way to understand that other factors change the wind speed.
On the other hand, we have another option and it is itThe diversification of renewable energy sources in Spain! It will therefore not depend on wind. Remember that Spain also has the potential to have different solar technologies and other green energies, so it should not be limited to just one of them.
In conclusion, the decrease in wind speed is slightly unmistakable, but we are still on time to reduce damage and seek other alternatives, such as solar energy that also evolves through jumps and boundaries in Spain and proof of this is this almost invisible invention.