World Awareness Week on Salt 2025

The World awareness week on salt From 10 to 17 March I will start a campaign that took place in 2020 sponsored by the organization World promotion on salt and healthThe one through his motto «Stopping and searching»He wanted people are more aware of salt consumptionThat In a hidden and disguised way, the industry sells us every time we acquire its products.

The World Sensitricization Week on Salt 2025 is intended to promote implementation based on evidence to reduce salt consumption in the population to protect cardiovascular health.

In many countries, Three -quarters of food in food comes from ultracroced and processed foodwhen Bread, sauces and dressings, salty cookies and sweet cookies, meals ready to eat, processed meat and cheeses.

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Why is it important to act and reduce the salt that is used during the day?

It is acknowledged that surplus salt is in danger and especially the heart, one of the 3 most important health care risk factors for health.

Excess salt is immediately associated with hypertension that is the first cause of stroke and infarction.

What can we do in a day -day base?

With healthy eating and following the recommendation not to consume more than 5 gr. One day(of all sources), and the medical (If we have indicated), it is possible to prevent or postpone the appearance or worsening of these cardiovascular disorders.

The reduction of salt consumption is very effective in preventing hypertension and cardiovascular disease.


1. Reforming of food products to contain less salt/sodium and determining maximum levels for the amount of salt/sodium in food and meals in a mandatory manner.

2. Set up a support environment in public institutions, such as hospitals, schools, workplaces and homes of the elderly, to make it possible to offer low sodium options.

3. Communication and media campaigns for the change in behavior and consciousness on the reduction of salt consumption.

4. Implementation of standards for warning for food labels for promotion and advertising containers and limitations.

5. Surveillance: Measure the intake of salt/sodium in the population; salt/sodium content in food; Diet sources of salt/sodium.

The proposal is to add less salt and taste with lemon, pepper, onion, oregano, ginger, garlic, fresh herbs that will transform the dish into a different experience.

Let’s start with the basis that the ‘salt’ has its place in a healthy diet

Salt is essential, but in reality it is only necessary in small quantities. And most of us consume it excess. The biggest problem is that it is an almost omnipresent substance. By being used as a flavor enhancer and even as a preservative, it is almost everywhere.

The sodium containing salt plays an important role in our body. It is essential to divide the water present in our body. It also helps to regulate blood pressure, as well as electricity and blood volume and much more. But like everything in life, excesses ultimately demand his toll.

Excess salt power the risks of suffering in cardiovascular disease. From the age of 40, almost 50% of the adult population runs the risk of arterial hypertension. This happens because there is an increase in the blood volume that is circulating. And this causes blood pressure. And this factor is the one who ultimately the Risk of heart disorders and strokes.

Visible and invisible sal

Call “Visible” saltIt is the majority of the salt that we know that we consume. But unfortunately it does not reach 20% of the person we really take. There the “Invisible”. That is present in our Processed foods. And represents between 80 and 90% of our consumption. It’s in him Bread, sweet and salty cakes, fast food, charcercia, prepared plates, connections, commercial herbs, snacks, etc.

Enough salt

Excessive salt consumption comes from two problematic elements. Our consumption habits (and the use of salt and pepper to improve the taste of our kitchen). And our choice of food in supermarkets.

The taste for salt is not of course, but an acquired habit. But we also have to acknowledge that there are people who simply cannot resist to add salt to certain foods. That is why it is so important to understand that reducing our consumption will report great benefits in our health.

There are countless ecological herbs to replace salt. In addition, It is essential not to boil with salt, but add the honest and necessary amount to each dish before you take it. That is an effective way to know how much ‘visible’ we take. And choose conscientious, reduce your consumption.

Regarding the ‘invisible’, the first step you can do without it, is to check every label of the food we acquire. And if you have more than 1.5 g per 100 product, let’s not buy it. It is crucial to check the salt that contributes to everything we buy. And let’s not forget that there is surplus sodium, even in mineral waters.