World Farm Animal Day 2024

World Farm Animal Day 2024. World Farm Animal Day is celebrated every year on October 2 to raise awareness about the suffering and death of animals living on farms and slaughterhouses..

The NGO Farmed Animals Reform Movement, better known by the acronym FARM, was the one that created this anniversary. The proclamation seeks to publicize the suffering that many animals are subjected to so that people have access to meat and byproducts. Our taste is no justification for being treated so inhumanely.

The date coincides with the birth of Mahatma Gandhi, a noted pacifist, vegetarian and animal lover. Which was also the forerunner of India’s freedom. This day was created to invite people to learn more about the kind of life these sentient beings lead. And to fight against the animal cruelty in all its forms.

The idea is also that these practices are reported. To improve the living conditions of farm animals. And that this applies to all stages of his existence. From birth, through breeding, development, transport and slaughter. And this can only be achieved through the introduction of adequate, fair and comprehensive laws.

Objectives of World Farm Animal Day:

  • Combat industrial livestock farming, macrogranjas and all kinds of intensive and cruel parenting.
  • Encourage agricultural professionals, distributors and transporters to incorporate animal welfare practices into all processes.
  • Inform the population about the type of life these animals are exposed to.
  • Raise awareness among consumers so that they demand respect for farm animals
  • Encourage users of agricultural products to consume them more responsibly.
  • Invite everyone to express themselves in writing by sending emails explaining the objectives of World Farm Animal Day 2022. They can be sent to government authorities, national political representatives and/or European and global organisations.

Everyone can do something to change this situation. Education and information are the best tools. To be part of the solution it is necessary to know what is happening. Eat less meat, buy eggs from free-range chickens and choose organic food with the animal welfare quality mark.