World Rhino Day 2024

World Rhino Day 2024: September 22 is celebrated World Rhino Day to raise awareness about the critical situation this species faces. He rhinoa unique and unique animal that is present in the world with 5 species (white, black, Indian, Sumatran and Javan rhinos), is located in danger of extinction.

As indicated by the organization Save Rihno Internationalit is estimated At the end of 2015, there were only 30,000 wild rhinos left in the world. This alarming figure lies in the increase in poaching.

World Rhino Day 2024. Of the genre Perissodactyla or Perissodactyla currently there are only three families. These are: Hippomorpha (zebras, horses and donkeys), Tapiromorpha (tapirs) and Ceratomorpha (rhinos). Are herbivores, non-ruminants and ungulates. And their limbs have a predominant middle finger and rest with an odd number of fingers on the ground.

Rhino poaching

The most endangered perissodactyls worldwide are rhinos. Several subfamilies have already disappeared. And although great efforts are being made to protect them. Human greed could wipe out these beautiful creatures. One of the biggest threats is the loss of habitat due to the reconversion of its territories.


And the worst and saddest is the poaching looking for its famous horns. Which actually have no magical powers, because they are simply keratin-like formations (just like hair and nails). So you can pay well over half a million euros for a horn that has no force whatsoever. World Rhino Day 2022.

Timid progress in rhino conservation

Every September 22 the World Rhino Day. This event originated in 2010 and was created by WWF South Africa. This commemoration has been internationalized since 2011. And awareness is beginning to arise about the need for protection of this species rhinos Africans and Asians.

According to the scientists and experts who protect them, positive developments have been noted in recent years. Especially in preventing and combating poaching and illegal trade in rhino horns at a global level. It is estimated that the number of people poached each year is decreasing significantly. Especially in South Africa.

Education is the key to securing the future of the rhino

He World Rhino Day 2024 It should serve to strengthen the protection of these animals. To report on the problems and threats that affect them. And especially to make those who eat the horns understand how useless it is to kill an animal for part of its body. Even more so if it only has the power that popular belief grants it.

There is also cooperation in receiving countries such as Vietnam and China. There the horns are used to treat various conditions and as an aphrodisiac. In addition to the extensive information campaigns that have been conducted, governments have stepped up corrective measures. In Vietnam, the punishment for crimes related to possession, trade and sale of rhino horns. He spent 7 to 15 years in prison. And in China there are similar measures.