World Vegetarian Week 2024

World Vegetarian Week 2024. He vegetarianism is a nutritional practice that excludes meat consumption derived from any animal (except piscitarians). It consists of eating all types of vegetables and certain foods of animal origin (honey, eggs, milk and derivatives, etc.).

Since 1977, the World Vegetarian Week has been an annual reminder to have a style of conscious and healthy living.

The International Vegetarian Union celebrates it in the first week of October

Invite people don’t eat meat for seven days and explore vegetarian alternatives. More than a diet, World Vegetarian Week promotes body health and provides an opportunity to learn more about the lifestyle of vegetarians.

There are ethical, cultural, religious or health-related reasons behind vegetarianism.. Usually it has to do with the traceability method of foodstuffs. Promoted by a lack of transparency about origin, composition, processing, etc. Breeding and slaughter methods, the environmental impact of industrial agriculture and the rejection of exploitation and suffering of the animals involved also have an influence.

Is vegetarianism good for a healthy life?

Well-designed vegetarian diets pose no health risks.. Therefore, during the World Vegetarian Week 2024 information is fundamentally promoted. It’s important that people Learn more about the countless benefits this lifestyle offers you.. And we have already discussed this extensively during the celebration of the World Vegetarian Day 2024. It is also vital to know what are the shortcomings associated with it.

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This is necessary to prevent vegetarian diets from not containing enough protein make appropriate food associations. Isolated vegetable proteins are not efficient enough. Therefore, it is crucial to associate them with the consumption of grains or dairy products. This is called: protein complementarity.


The general population tends to consume an inadequate amount of iron. Heme iron (of animal origin) is more easily absorbed than non-heme iron (of plant origin). That’s why vegetarians should consume foods high in iron daily. And supplement it with the intake of fruits or vegetables rich in vitamin C. This will improve the absorption of the iron in plant products.

Vitamin B12

A balanced vegetarian diet provides all the minerals and trace elements necessary for the proper functioning of the body. As for vitamin intake, vegetarians will find them in fruits and vegetables. The most difficult thing is to meet the needs of vitamin B12but it is found in eggs and dairy products. Strict vegetarians should take supplements of this vitamin. World Vegetarian Week 2022.

Options within vegetarianism

  • Strictly vegetarian: only eat plants and refrain from ingesting products of animal origin.
  • Piscitarian: In addition to vegetables, they also eat fish and some even include crustaceans and shellfish. These diets are generally associated with health needs.
  • Ovo-lacto-vegetarian: They do not eat fish or meatbut yes, dairy products (lacto) and eggs (ovo), but also fruits and vegetables. There are ovo-vegetarians (vegetables + eggs) and also lacto-vegetarians (vegetables + dairy products).
  • Flexitarian: Usually follows a vegetarian diet, but occasionally consumes meat.
  • Vegan: does not consume meat, fish or eggs. And they exclude all types of products of animal origin from their lives. Therefore, do not use honey, gelatin, dairy products, eggs, etc. But they also do not use anything related to animals: traditional cosmetics, silk, wool, leather and much more. Being vegan is much more than a matter of diet. The aim is not to contribute to animal suffering in any way.