XI edition of the Solar Forum, under the motto ‘photovoltaic energy, an engine of industrialization’

XI edition of the Solar Forumunder the motto ‘photovoltaic energy, engine of industrialization‘: Teresa RiberaThird Vice President of the Government and Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, will XI edition of the Solar Forum. Under the motto ‘Photovoltaic energy, engine of industrialization‘, Him XI edition of the Solar Forum There will be about twenty discussion tables and presentations in which more than 70 national and international speakers will participate, with the participation of dozens of attendees.

Over two days, the industry’s hottest topics and compliance will be analyzed new PNIECthe profitability of the facilities, the development of the storagethe engagement of energy communities and the advancement of own consumption or social receptivity.

The Spanish Photovoltaic Union, UNEForganizes another year in Madrid XI edition of the Solar Forumthe national photovoltaic reference event. Under the motto ‘Photovoltaic energy, engine of industrialization’, the Solar Forumwhich is celebrating its eleventh edition this year, the inaugural speech of the Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO), Teresa Riberawhich has just presented the 2030 Energy Plan before leaving for the European Commission as Executive Vice-President of Clean, Fair and Competitive Transition.

He XI edition of the Solar Forum will welcome about twenty discussion tables and presentations in which the most influential professionals and public decision makers in the field of renewable energies They analyze the current situation and the future of the sector.

The meeting will include the participation of prominent representatives of the most relevant national institutions for the sector, such as Rebeca Torró, Secretary of State for Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism; Carlos Redondo, Deputy General Manager of Electric Energy of MITECO; Eva María Blanco, Deputy Director of Environmental Assessment of MITECO; o Beatriz Corredor and María Concepción Sánchez, President and General Manager of Operations NETWORKrespectively.

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XI edition of the Solar Forum, an essential meeting

The autonomous communities will also play a prominent role in the XI edition of the Solar Forumwith the participation of voices such as Mercedes Gómez, Minister of Sustainable Development, of the Government of Castile – La Mancha; or Manuel Larrasa, Secretary General of Energy, of the Junta de Andalucía.

The meeting will also analyze the international market, with the intervention of prominent international figures such as Marcelo Álvarez, Chairman of the Solar Committee of the Argentine Chamber for Renewable Energy, or Izumi Kaizuka, Deputy Director of Task 1 of the New Energy and Industrial Technology. Development organization.

During the two days of XI edition of the Solar Forumthe most important companies from the region will also meet renewable sector and experts in sustainability, regulation and project finance.

The full agenda of XI edition of the Solar Forum covers all the important issues that will mark the news of the sector in the coming months, such as compliance with the new TRUNKthe profitability of the facilities, the development of storage, the deployment of energy communities and the progress of own consumption or social receptivity.

The event starts on Wednesday, October 9 at 9:00 AM in the Príncipe Felipe Auditorium of the Madrid Marriott Auditorium Hotel (access via the Conference center on Ingeniero Torres Quevedo Street). Full agenda. Ecoticias.com es Partner officially of the XI edition of the Solar Forum.