You must close Almaraz and the other nuclear power stations of Spain and bet on renewable energy sources

A 14 years of the central accident of Fukushima and just over 1 month to meet the 39th anniversary of the disaster in Chernobyl It seems that the world in general and Spain in particular did not learn the lesson: nuclear power stations are a very serious danger, wherever they are.

Spain must result In 2035, the final calendar of nuclear centals had been agreed six years ago. The proximity of the blackout, whose start is planned for 2027 and will start with the Almaraz Cacereña, has reopened the discussion about whether he should extend or continue his activity until his closure.

Weld Nuclear centals cover around 20% of the net electrical production in SpainA country with seven operational reactors in five centrals. The debate about the future of nuclear energy has been reborn throughout Europe after the war in Ukraine, a factor that adds the final calendar of these facilities in Spain, which should start within two years.

Not to nuclear energy, if renewable

He The growth of renewable for electrical production is huge in SpainWith the latest complete data from 2023, which offers an electric redeialy, the main generation source of wind is 23.5%, nuclear declares 20.3%, photovoltaic with thermal solar -sun in 2023 was already 15.8%, the more turboethydro -electric, they represent 11.4%.

In Extremadura and other regions, Fotovoltaisies Hybridize with battery storage and Hydroelectric pumping facilitiesand others with regard to research into hydrogen production.

The integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity grid on the different schedules of the day will win a lot with these storage proposals. Our country has one today 27 GW photovoltaic power in installed plants and more than 7 GW in self -consumption.

Weld nuclear In addition to being dangerous (due to the amount of accident risks and their severity, dirty (Because the radioactive waste that they are dangerous for thousands of years are) And faces (uranium extraction, enrichment, construction of central, their exploitation, dismantling and waste management for thousands of years), are many costs, which seems that companies are not willing to assume.

The principle of those who are paid contaminated means that the headlines of the central have to pay a rate of € 21.83/MWh to ensure that in the year 2100, Radioactive waste was good at the deep geological warehouse. After the pressure of the nuclear lobby, however, the tariff amount remains at € 10.36/MWh.

FREE The electricity electricity they have to make is to allocate public money nuclear, Socializing their expenses, so that they have even more benefits. As Extremadura (11.1%), the third Spanish region that produces electricity produces after Catalonia (14.3%) and Andalusia (12%), an electrical generation 6.2 times larger than consumption, The tax policy benefits the regions that use electricity and not for producersThat is why Extremadura -Electric production has not meant regional development for decades.

Clean, renewable and safe energies

Of the 9,167 GWH that produced extremadura in 2023, almost half were already renewable. And this in view of the effect of green leakage or limitation during the louder months, Well, because Red Eléctrica requires producers to disconnect renewable energy sources for network overload.

That is, through the operator’s own initiative to maintain electricity prices, Produce frequent network connections in the summer months and at the weekend. There are sources that esteem that renewable spills have been considerable in Zaragoza, Badajoz, Cáceres or Ciudad Real.

According to a report from the Association of Renewable Energy Companies from 2023These decoping of the network represent the loss of almost 20% of solar energy productionAlthough it is a mechanism that also influences wind energy. This type of decoupling flexibility cannot be done nuclear, This does not help with the integration of renewable energy sources in the electricity grid.

For the Energy transition is not exactly electricity that is the biggest problemBecause it only represents 20% of the final energy consumption, according to data from the International Energy Agency in 2021.

In Spain, The final consumption in the form of electrical energy was 22% And in Europe the average is 25%. It is estimated that some sectors are not yet, but today there are technical restrictions to electrify heavy industry, aviation, etc.

The Nuclear energy only represents 4% of the world of the world electricityAnd it does not seem that there are many uranium reserves or that it is the cheapest and useful option to produce electrical energy.

The reality is that we can free ourselves from the risks that the nuclear and they close in the planned calendar, Well, maintaining the production of these old nuclear central means, in addition to a scam, a risk for citizenshipThat is not even protected by an adequate protocol in the case of a nuclear accident.